I want to first of all say thank you to everyone who participated in the Fit for Kids event! Together we were able to raise over $700 for this critical work in our community. Was it a hard workout…? Yes! What a great representation of what these kids go through. A glimpse is all, but hopefully it caused a moment of pause for all that participated. I know it did for me. Thank you from the bottom of our heart!
Regarding programming, it’s a fairly cut and dried week this week all. Another solid week of work for all!
Oh… if you’re looking for something fun to do during open gym this Sunday… the Hero WOD “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” is programmed for that day. It’s a solid workout. 😉
Keep your eyes on the lookout for some important upcoming info regarding all things gym. Also, stay tuned as things on the Four-tified front are really starting to heat up!
Here we go CFD!!!
March/April Olympic Lifting Cycle
WEEK 6 (4/4)
Snatch Pull + Power Snatch (3×1, Heavy)
Squat Clean + Jerk (3×1, Heavy)
Back Squat (5×3)
WEEK 7 (4/11)
WEEK 8 (4/18)
Heavy 1-Rep Snatch
Heavy 1-Rep Clean and Jerk
Four-tified will be held on Saturday, May 7th 2022. This is the next big thing after the open all! We’ll be releasing more info as the event get closer but for now start thinking who you want on your team of four! This event is awesome and you’re for sure gonna want to be part of it. We can’t wait!!!
Please use the below link to get registered today!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – BSQT
Tuesday – METCON
Wednesday – Snatch
Thursday – METCON
Friday – C&J
Saturday – Pulling Gymnastics Work (MU’s)
Sunday – Open Gym (“Whiskey Tango Foxtrot”)