What a great week at CFD! We attacked Annie together (several PRs!), followed by a tough 24-min bike EMOM, and then a heavy barbell workout on Friday. Five of our members ran in the Milwaukee Half Marathon Saturday morning and killed it! Several of us sweat it out together Saturday for Filthy Fifty. The doors were open and the sun was shining! Summer is almost here. 🙂
We’ll be seeing another cardio + deadlift workout this week, with a higher rep scheme on the deadlifts. Proper bracing through these deadlifts will be key. Take a few deep breaths and calm yourself before you begin your reps. Breathe into your stomach and expand your sides. If any part of your body feels off during a workout, stop. No workout is worth pushing through and then creating an injury or setback. Lots of times during a WOD, adrenaline and endorphins are high, so it’s easy to ignore the signs your body is giving you. As always, the best piece of advice we can give is listen to your body! It knows. 🙂
We’ve been seeing some longer grind workouts lately with members finishing at various times, which is expected! Remember, if you’re one of the athletes who finishes first, cheer on those who are still going! Try to avoid putting your equipment away and cleaning up your spot until the timer beeps. We know sometimes people have to duck out right away after a workout, which is totally understandable. But as a general rule, refrain from putting your equipment away until everyone is done with the workout. You’ll see this is in CrossFit gyms no matter where you go – we cheer each other on and focus on our community until the last person finishes!
Just as a reminder this week … Chris and Kelly are on vacation through Wednesday, and they’ll be unplugged! If you have any questions or concerns while they’re away, please reach out to Colin or Katie anytime. 🙂
This coming Saturday, April 20, we have six CFD members participating in Festivus Games in Waukesha. Best of luck to Mel V., Mel S., Stacy, Sam, Dom and Kari! If you’re interested in cheering them on, stop on by Redemption Fitness! We’re excited to see you all compete.
Have a great week, all!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Gymnastic complex and METCON
Tuesday – Deadlift and METCON
Wednesday – OHS/Front squat and METCON
Thursday – Recovery WOD
Friday – Bench press and burpees
Saturday – A 30-minute burner!
Sunday – Open Gym