Why do I hear Mike Tyson saying “I broke my back, It’s spinal!” after doing 21.2? Lol! Really though you all crushed it! Way to keep moving CFD and show what you are capable of. We have one more Open workout to go, and the competition is close among the CFD teams. Make sure to get every point you can for your teams! Loved seeing the handstand pix! Lastly, make sure to swing by the gym on Friday night for the last night of The Open. It’s sure to be a celebration to end all as we say goodbye to Dave Castro (at least for a while ?).
Also, thank you to everyone who came out to brunch with us after The Open workout on Sunday. It was great to all get together outside of the gym.
Two down and one to go! Let’s do this CFD!!!
Block off your calendar for May 22nd. CFD will be hosting its first external competition! There are more details to come but for now just make sure the clear your schedule. You won’t want to miss this one! ?
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – FSQT “Point Break”
- Tuesday – Snatch, METCON
- Wednesday – METCON
- Thursday – Bench Press and For Quality Recovery WOD
- Friday – Open WOD 21.3 All Day – Open Wrap-up “Main Event” Friday Night Lights
- Saturday – Deadlift
- Sunday – Open Gym