With the ever changing virus situation we will remain open for as long as we can. There is no telling what this situation will bring local small businesses but our commitment and promise to our members will remain unchanged. We will continue to do everything in our power to promote fitness and quality of life to our members and everyone in our communities. Now more than ever make sure you are taking care of you bodies because body fitness and health are major players in overall immune system health. We have doubled down to reduce the risk of contamination while at the gym. If members feel more comfortable working out at home please make sure to follow the NC 30 programming in the Wodify app for daily workouts. We’re here for your guys and we’ll get through this together.
There have been several emails sent out in regards to the situation. Please make sure you are receiving them (check you junk folder). As always if there are any questions, reach out.
Please clean out all of the cubbies at the front of the gym. Take your stuff home and wash it. Any items that have not been removed by this Saturday March 21st will be placed in the lost and found bucket and removed form the gym at the end of the month.
Have a great week CFD!
We will be hosting our first ever internal competition on May 9th 2020!!! Set the date aside on your calendar and ask a coach if you have questions. We can’t wait!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – WOD
Tuesday – Tommy Mac
Wednesday – Sumo Deadlift
Thursday – WOD
Friday – BSQT
Saturday – Snatch
Sunday – Open Gym