Well that’s a wrap folks! The 2022 CrossFit Open has come and gone. We will be totaling all the scores and let the teams know who won once all the scores are in later this week. Thanks for a great and memorable Open CFD!
You all did very well and it’s time for my final thoughts for this Open season. So, without further ado… I can tell you from experience that there are exactly two types of people looking at the open scores right now. Type 1 is a little bit disheartened. They are looking at the scores and something like this is going through their heads, “Oh boy! 43,568th place… I suck at this stuff!” I’m also willing to bet that this is their first open and they have been doing CF for somewhere around a year plus or minus six months. Type 2 is roughly the opposite of that. This is their second or third open and they are looking at their place saying something like “43,568th WOW! I can’t believe that I improved by so much in one year!”
If you’re something like type 1, please hold your head up high. You are right on track! Fitness like anything else worth having, takes time to build, grow, and mature. You may be a phenomenal runner or tri-athlete but CrossFit and overall health and wellness, is much more encompassing. Think about how much stronger you are since you started by us. Think about how much more resilient to injury you are. How much better you feel throughout the day. We are moving the needle on your health and the open is simply a marker showing where you are on that day. Just like the reason why I love a barbell… it’s always the same. The weight never changes. Either you become stronger or weaker and it will feel lighter or heavier. The open is like that. It just shows you where you are at that time. So hold your head up high, take it a face value, this is where you are. Right now. Right here. You wanna do better….? Let’s get to work! Let’s build from here! You’ve got this and we’re here to help!
Oh, and if you’re a Type 2… I’m proud of you! 😉 Be ever proud of how far you have come and yet never satisfied with it. Let’s keep moving that needed higher. Also, let’s help others along the journey to become the best possible version of ourselves we can be.
Here is a great discussion on the Sickness Wellness continuum from CrossFit Head Trainer Jenn Hunter-Marshall:
This is what matters. In the long run. Not some “score” in an online competition. I know you get it. 😁
Now, let’s get back to work CFD!!!
March/April Olympic Lifting Cycle
WEEK 3 (3/14)
Hang Power Snatch + OHS + Hang Squat Snatch (5 Sets, Building)
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Split Jerk (5 Sets, Building)
WEEK 4 (3/21)
Heavy 1-Rep Power Snatch
Heavy 1-Rep Power Clean
WEEK 5 (3/28)
Squat Snatch (5×2)
Clean Pull + Power Clean (5×2)
Split Jerk (5×2)
WEEK 6 (4/4)
Snatch Pull + Power Snatch (3×1, Heavy)
Squat Clean + Jerk (3×1, Heavy)
Back Squat (5×3)
WEEK 7 (4/11)
WEEK 8 (4/18)
Heavy 1-Rep Snatch
Heavy 1-Rep Clean and Jerk
Fit For Kids Charity WOD
We are partnering with the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center to host the Fit For Kids Charity WOD April 1st and 2nd . You can register for this event by following the link below. We will be performing the workout “Annabelle” in classes all day on Friday the first or April. So why not sing up. You’ll be doing the workout anyway. 😉 We will also open our door for anyone in the community to participate at 10 o’clock on Saturday morning. This is a free for all event.
The 18th is the last day to sign up and be guaranteed a t-shirt for participating. Don’t delay… get signed up today!!!
We hope we can get a great turnout for this event and help support this critical work in our community. Thanks for your evolvement CFD!
Registration Link:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScZduom8Rzg5yH_1TsOWtapfSXHTtkPhBOrlSKnApiCwu_5_g/viewform?usp=sf_link
Four-tified will be held on Saturday, May 7th 2022. This is the next big thing after the open all! We’ll be releasing more info as the event get closer but for now start thinking who you want on your team of four! This event is awesome and you’re for sure gonna want to be part of it. We can’t wait!!!
Please use the below link to get registered today!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – BSQT
Tuesday – Power Clean “Eliza-Plus”
Wednesday – METCON
Thursday – “Pot O’ Gold” St. Patties Day WOD
Friday – Power Snatch
Saturday – WOD
Sunday – Open Gym