Hang on all, some classic content about to come your way…
Monday night during Barbell we started discussing CrossFit, competing, differences in gyms, and methodology. I feel it was a very good discussion and I thought that the broader audience would benefit from a couple cliff notes of the conversation. So here we go… let’s start this off by posing a question. Why do we compete? No really… why on earth would you ever want to enter into a CrossFit competition. Remember why you started this journey? I’m fairly confident it was not to stand on top of a CrossFit podium. So then why would you ever want to subject yourself to a day full of workouts where you will be judged by another. Even worse some competitions last over days! What!? You heard that right. Days in a row where you do several workouts taxing your body to the limits and showing to all who attend what you have to offer. Mental, physical, and emotional it’s all put to the test in a glorious display! Sounds a bit unnerving you think… well, I’m here to tell you that you’re right. I must also say that I feel everyone should try at some point. I don’t care how you phrase it. “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” “Only by finding your limits can you break through them.” “Pain is weakness leaving the body.” Every person needs to get out of their comfort zone every once in a while. A competition is a great way to do this for some.
Let’s put it this way. If you take a take a step back and look at what we do day in and day out, you’ll realize that we do a lot of training. But what are we training for? We of course are training to be the best possible version of ourselves that we can be. We of course are training to live the highest quality of life possible. But how do we know when we are there? How do we know when we’ve reached our full potential? Got the best score on the whiteboard? Rx every workout? Oupe, that’s it! Topped out. Now I’m just going to hold here. No, the reality is that we are never topped out. We train day in and day out to be the best for us. The key here is that we need to keep moving the needle as we become more competent. Because the best for us is dependent on so many factors. We should approach every workout as if it’s a performance. An opportunity to show off our talents and abilities. When workouts expose weaknesses, we should take a step back and work on address those weaknesses. This way we will ever improve. A competition can be a great way to get out of your comfort zone, identify weaknesses, showcase what you are good at, and define new limits that you didn’t even know you had.
A topic that goes hand in hand with the above is that ‘how we do anything is how we do everything’. At CFD we are hard on you guys. We let you know what you are doing wrong (if anything) and coach you at YOUR level to keep YOU making improvements. We don’t let you get away with things because “it’s hard” or “you can’t do it”. Instead, we tend to look at it as we’re challenging you and you may not be able to do it today. We hold ourselves and all of you accountable that way we are constantly readjusting expectations and moving the needle upwards.
So next time you think you cannot do something or want to give up and/or take the easy way out. Just remember, you are capable of so much more! Keep competing with others to show blind spots that you may not be aware of and find new limits. Keep competing with yourself and challenging yourself to put in the work and keep growing. Keep doing even the simplest of tasks to the best of your abilities in every aspect of your life. You are awesome and you’re right where you should be! Getting better every day!
Let’s go to work CFD!!!
Old-Fashioned Night
On Feb 26th we will be having an Old-Fashioned Night! This is a time to gather together, enjoy some drinks and friendships, and in true CF fashion… compete to see who makes the best! ? Please find the event on CFD members and respond if you will be attending or not. As soon as we have an accurate head count, we will set the location (it will be either in Slinger of Hartford). Can’t wait to see you all there!
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – METCON
- Tuesday – FSQT
- Wednesday – METCON
- Thursday – WOD (Great Work)
- Friday – Snatch
- Saturday – WOD “GALENTINES” (Think “Annie” and “Kelly”)
- Sunday – Open Gym (Power Clean and “CUPID SHUFFLE”, This looks like and AWESOME workout/day! ?)