Don’t forget! Starting Monday March 1st, we will have new class times for all but 5am. Shown below is the new schedule. Please make sure to arrive on time for classes as there is no longer buffer time. We need to stay on schedule. A great way to transition is to find someone who wants to use your equipment. This way the first class gets it out and the second class puts it away. Win-win!
We also want to touch on Open Gym expectations a bit since we have added availability at 6:15pm – 7:15pm on both Tuesday and Thursday nights. Please realize that one of the largest factors in splitting CF Kids and changing class times was to allow more of a focus for our kids. We love them and equally love helping them reach their full potential. Just like we want to provide the best possible experience for our adults we want the same for our kids. We could not logically completely eliminate adults from using the gym while kids’ classes are going on due to parents wanting to get their sweat on while their mini is working out. Therefore, we provided Open Gym. Now that you understand our logic, please realize that our kids class needs to take priority. Some weeks we will use the entire space. Some weeks less. Your goal as an open gym attendant is to get your workout on while staying clear of the kids class and not creating any distractions (think of it as your special mission ?). We need to mention this in hopes that you realize that we are doing our best to accommodate everyone. We also want to see the best for our younger members. Thanks for your help and understanding. Open gym will be from 6:15pm – 7:15pm and is considered a session.
Class Schedule:
CrossFit – 5:00AM, 6:00AM, 4:30PM, 5:30PM
Develop Barbell – 5:30PM
CrossFit – 5:00AM, 6:00AM, 4:30PM, 5:30PM
CrossFit Kids Orange – 6:15PM
Open Gym – 6:15PM to 7:15PM
CrossFit – 5:00AM, 6:00AM, 4:30PM, 5:30PM
CrossFit – 5:00AM, 6:00AM, 4:30PM, 5:30PM
CrossFit Kids Blue – 6:15PM
Open Gym – 6:15PM to 7:15PM
CrossFit – 5:00AM, 6:00AM, 4:30PM, 5:30PM
Develop Barbell – 8:00AM
CrossFit – 9:00AM
Open Gym – 11:00AM to 1:00PM
Please make sure to sign up for the Open. We want to get teams set sooner than later. It’s right around the corner all and we can’t wait!
Also, if you are willing to be a team captain, please let Kelly or Chris know. We need at least a few people for this role. We won’t know exactly how many teams we will have until people sign up, but we are thinking somewhere around 4-5. Also, after talking to some members there seems to be some anxiety about picking teams… don’t worry! No stress. Kelly and Chris will pick the teams and help setup groups. All we need from you guys is who’s in and at what role. We will do our best to make this a stress-free event for everyone. Like always, it’s about a fun and supportive community experience.
Lastly, thank you to everyone who was able to make Old Fashioned Night. It was a great event, and we’ll have memories for a lifetime! Such a blast. We look forward to doing it again sometime.
Programming looks hot as always and we’re going to make it another great week. Let’s get it CFD!
Block off your calendar for May 22nd. CFD will be hosting its first external competition! There are more details to come but for now just make sure the clear your schedule. You won’t want to miss this one! ?
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – Deadlift
- Tuesday – WOD
- Wednesday – FSQT
- Thursday – Training Day
- Friday – Snatches “SWITCHEROO”
- Saturday – Hang Power Clean
- Sunday – Open Gym