Week one of the 2022 CrossFit Open is in the books. You all did a great job. We’ll be posting team scores in our members Facebook page so look forward to those weekly updates. Beyond that, relax, have fun, and workout. This is a great time of the CrossFit season!While the CrossFit Open is going on we will continue to work our yearly plan. So… with that said, welcome to March! We are going to roll right from the OHS into a new strength focus for the next 8 weeks! With this being the first time that we have completed an OHS cycle, we are set up to perfectly capitalize on the increased exposure to the lift going into the next month’s focus, an 8-Week Olympic Lifting cycle. Every week we will get after the Snatch, the Clean, and the Jerk with a strength session 2-3x per week with suggested loading by feel as well as percentages. The first 4 weeks will hone in on perfecting positions of the pulls, starting in the Moderate to Moderate-Heavy range (roughly 70-75% of 1RM) and building from there week after week to a Heavy Single Power variation of each lift. After that we begin increasing the loading with sizable volume while building power and strength to execute the lifts closing out with a de-load week before re-testing.
Additionally, we will also have supplemental strength training to round out the strongest cycle yet! Don’t worry, we have plenty of room for workouts, and with that in mind, we open the month off with the final 2 scheduled weeks of the 2022 Open. On the benchmark menu, we are bringing an absolute classic to the table, “Death Row”. The ultimate conditioning workout that the Cali-Bear himself used to use as a warm-up (legend says ?)! March will close out with the Leading Ladies week, an entire week at the end of the month devoted to honoring all those incredible ladies of fitness with some mash-ups including but not limited to, “Power Plus Amanda” and “Eliza-Plus”!
March/April Olympic Lifting Cycle
WEEK 1 (2/28)
Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull (3×3+1)
Clean Deadlift / Push Press (3×3)
Front Squat (4×3)
WEEK 2 (3/7)
Snatch Pull + Hang Power Snatch (5×2)
Clean Pull + Power Clean (5×2)
Push Jerk From Rack (5×2)
WEEK 3 (3/14)
Hang Power Snatch + OHS + Hang Squat Snatch (5 Sets, Building)
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Split Jerk (5 Sets, Building)
WEEK 4 (3/21)
Heavy 1-Rep Power Snatch
Heavy 1-Rep Power Clean
WEEK 5 (3/28)
Squat Snatch (5×2)
Clean Pull + Power Clean (5×2)
Split Jerk (5×2)
WEEK 6 (4/4)
Snatch Pull + Power Snatch (3×1, Heavy)
Squat Clean + Jerk (3×1, Heavy)
Back Squat (5×3)
WEEK 7 (4/11)
WEEK 8 (4/18)
Heavy 1-Rep Snatch
Heavy 1-Rep Clean and Jerk
Weekly March Commitments
- NEW Olympic Weightlifting Cycle
- (2)+ Weightlifting days per week
- (1) New or Classic Named Workout per week
- (1) Optional Partner Workout per week
March Benchmarks
- Death Row
- Power Plus Amanda
- Eliza-Plus
- Open 22.2 // 22.3
- Leading Ladies Week
Now without further ado, Let’s get after it this week!
The CrossFit Open
Friday night lights again this week followed by Sunday-fun-day on the 13th. Please RSVP in the FB post. Thanks!
If you have any questions about how this works, how or when the workouts will be performed, or anything else in general, just talk to a Coach. Good just guys! This is SO EXCITING!!!
Fit For Kids Charity WOD
We are partnering with the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center to host the Fit For Kids Charity WOD April 1st thru 3rd. Registration for this even will open soon. We hope we can get a great turnout for this event and help support this critical work in our community. Thanks for your evolvement CFD!
Four-tified will be held on Saturday, May 7th 2022. We’ll be releasing more info as the event get closer but for now start thinking who you want on your team of four! This event is awesome and you’re for sure gonna want to be part of it. We can’t wait!!!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Snatch
Tuesday – “Death Row” then Bench
Wednesday – Clean DL and Push Press
Thursday – Recovery WOD
Friday – Open 22.2 Main Event
Saturday – FSQT
Sunday – Open Gym