The Open is Here! THE OPEN IS HERE!!!
If you have not registered for the CrossFit Open yet now is the time. Please sign up no later than Tuesday 2/22 so we can place everyone on a team.
Here’s the link if you need it: https://games.crossfit.com/
The Open | CrossFit GamesThe 2022 NOBULL CrossFit Games season kicks off with the CrossFit Open, a three-week international competition where anyone — regardless of fitness level or ability — can compete in the biggest fitness competition in history. Join hundreds of thousands of participants for the Open on February 24. Registration is live.games.crossfit.com |
With the above said what you can expect for the coming three weeks during the open you may be asking. Well, first of all our weeks will be a little different than what we are used to. Since the open workout get released on Thursdays we are reserving Fridays for the open workout to be performed. Every class all day long will be performing the open workout for that week. Insert shameless plug here… so why not sign up!? You’re likely going to be doing the workout anyway! ?
Since we don’t know what fun challenges we have in store on the coming Fridays; Thursdays we will have a more generalized workout. They will be designed to help us be ready for anything. These workouts will focus on range of motion, light movement, and less intensity. Don’t worry though, if you’re not participating in the open, the intensity can be notched up to be a very tough workout for anyone who wants it!
Regarding class flow on Fridays, here’s how it’s going to go. We will of course explain the workouts to you in detail, warm you up, and set you up for success as much as we can. We are going to plan to have two heats in each class. We will split the class in half and have you judge for each other where appropriate. You can greatly help us out by arriving to classes on time. Typically, we have very tight timelines for classes during the open and want to be respectful of everyone’s time so we can get you out the door as we normally would do. Friday nights will be more of the “main event”. We often have lots of people show up to cheer others on, we hang out and make it a great community event. It’s worth stopping in if you’re available. For the last week of the open we plan to hold the main event during open gym on Sunday. We’ll go out for brunch afterwards and say good bye to the open for another year. Keep your eye out on CFD members for more information on this.
If for whatever reason you cannot make it to the gym on Friday to do the workout your next best opportunity to do the workout is at open gym on Sundays. Please remember though. We in general discourage doing these workouts multiple times so only use open gym if you have not been able to do the workouts yet. Your scores will be due on Mondays as they have in the past. If not entered by then you will receive a zero for that weeks score.
Most importantly! As always if you have any questions please reach out to a coach. This is a fun time of the year and we can’t wait to see how you’ve grown. So don’t put too much stress on yourself.
Remember… this is fun and the open workout are just another workout.
Let’s do it CFD. CrossFit Open. HERE WE GO!!!
January/February Overhead Squat Cycle
- Week 8 of 8 (2/21) – Heavy 3-Rep
The CrossFit Open
This year The CrossFit Open will run February 24th through March 14th . We will once again be creating teams for The CF Open. Get signed up now to get placed on your team!https://games.crossfit.com/
The Open | CrossFit GamesThe 2022 NOBULL CrossFit Games season kicks off with the CrossFit Open, a three-week international competition where anyone — regardless of fitness level or ability — can compete in the biggest fitness competition in history. Join hundreds of thousands of participants for the Open on February 24. Registration is live.games.crossfit.com |
If you have any questions about how this works, how or when the workouts will be performed, or anything else in general, just talk to a Coach. Let’s do this CFD! This is SO EXCITING!!!
Fit For Kids Charity WOD
We are partnering with the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center to host the Fit For Kids Charity WOD April 1st thru 3rd. Registration for this even will open soon. We hope we can get a great turnout for this event and help support this critical work in our community. Thanks for your evolvement CFD!
Four-tified will be held on Saturday, May 7th 2022. We’ll be releasing more info as the event get closer but for now start thinking who you want on your team of four! This event is awesome and you’re for sure gonna want to be part of it. We can’t wait!!!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – OHS
Tuesday – METCON (Deads and Cleans)
Wednesday – Goat work and “Straight 100”
Thursday – Recovery WOD
Friday – Open 2022 Week 1
Saturday – WOD and Heavy for day 1RM Deadlift
Sunday – Open Gym