We hope you all had a great weekend, CFD! The month of December can be challenging for us in so many ways — the hustle and busyness of the holidays tends to take over pretty quickly. Any other parents hanging on by a thread? 😉 Remember our current monthly challenge — take a moment for yourself every day. Maybe it’s a workout, a walk, a talk with a friend, or a cup of coffee alone in the morning before anyone else needs you. Taking some time to reset is an important part in facing every day with a positive and thankful attitude.
We’ll be announcing our 3rd annual 6 Week Challenge this week! Watch our social media for more details. Please take a moment to comment, like or share the post — the word gets out about this challenge because of YOU. 🙂 Let your friends know how CFD has positively impacted your life, and invite people to join us through this challenge. The best part about joining the 6 Week Challenge is everyone is starting CrossFit at the same level — brand new. We’re taking away some of the “scariness” of walking into our doors for the first time. I’ve seen many lives change because of this challenge, and I’m excited to meet a brand new group of people. (You’ll be hearing about one of those lives in the upcoming post … I can’t wait for you all to get to know this member a bit more!)
Let’s get to this week’s workouts …
Starting on Monday, we will tackle another multiple-set interval, where there’s a buy-in before completing three fast rounds. For Tuesday, it’s a solid 5-round grind through moderate posterior and anterior work that will have us breathing heavily while trying to move consistently. Wednesday is another Wall Ball/BBJO progression workouts, BUT, this week we are performing “like” movements that are going to challenge our ability to move while under heavy duress. After a solid pump sesh, we have athletes cashing out with some intense partner intervals on the bike for Thursday. Then, on Friday, we bring a fun chipper that will attack our upper body and midline relentlessly. Saturday will take some time and challenge athletes physically and mentally through a partner version of the “Triple 3’s.”
Have a wonderful week, CFD!
Here are the workouts of the week:
Monday – Overhead squats and a workout with rope climbs!
Tuesday – Skill work on kipping HSPU and sit-ups/deadlift/run
Wednesday – Turkish get up skill work and front squats/box jumps
Thursday – Bench press/push-ups/flys in Strength and then a partner workout!
Friday – 18 minute shoulder chipper and a “heavy hold” finisher
Saturday – Super fun cardio partner WOD!
Sunday – Open Gym