We’re almost their folks! For those of you in the holiday lifestyle challenge… good luck! This is an awesome way to stay on track through the holidays. Make a small commitment and stick to it over the holidays! You’re sure to be pleased with yourself. Just remember, all of us Coaches are here for you if you need help along the way.
Regarding the month’s programming… It’s the FINAL COUNTDOWN! ? We have had a fantastic year of fitness and we are so happy you were along for the ride! December carries the torch from the previous month with the same weekly commitments. These strength sessions started in November with tempo and positional work and are evolving to heavier loading that manifests itself both through the Strength as well as some look at heavy bars in workouts. As we look to finish in the strongest of ways for December, we have some storybook ending benchmarks to retest before entering into the new year. We will see both the Heavy 1-Rep Snatch as well as Clean and Jerk, your final attempt at “Death Row” for the year (already did that one. Phewww…), D.T., Rannie, and slew of Holiday favorites including 12 Days of Christmas, and we will finish out with the timeless Classic, “Fran”!
Weekly Dec. Commitments
- All out EFFORT workout 2x/Week
- Increased presence of Overhead Squat + Snatch
- 1 Powerlifting Day
- 1 Oly/Complex Day
- 1 New or Classic Named Workout
December Benchmarks
- Heavy 1-Rep Clean and Jerk + Snatch
- Death Row
- D.T.
- Rannie
- Fran
- 12 Days of NCFIT
The last thing I feel compelled to comment on is chalk… sorry to nag guys but I just gotta say something. A little bit goes a long way folks! Please put the chalk on your hands inside of the buckets. Also, give your hands a quick clap inside of the bucket. Smoke shows are cool and all but save those for the CF Games. I hope you all get there some day, but trust me when I say excessive amounts of chalk are not a shortcut. Most of the people who habitually tear their hands use WAY too much chalk and this is why they are having most of their issues. A clear indicator that you are using too much chalk is when it leaves a caked-on layer either on the floor, barbell, or pullup bar. If it’s falling off of your equipment in chunks, how do you think it would help you hold onto whatever you are trying to touch!? ? Also, you will notice that all of the barbells have been cleaned. Please NEVER use the spray bottles on the bars. With the layers of caked-on chalk (from excessive use, please re-read above) all the cleaning solution does is hold moisture next to the steel and promote rust. We do our best to maintain our equipment and keep CFD a place you are proud to call home. Just a little help in this area will go a long way. Thanks for understanding all! Ok. End rant. Please carry on with your day and thanks for entertaining me. ??
Here we go all, another full week!
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – RMU WOD
- Tuesday – METCON
- Wednesday – Power Clean
- Thursday – WOD – Row’n n Ropes
- Friday – Deadlift – METCON
- Saturday – “Combustion”
- Sunday – Open Gym