Happy New Year! 2024 here we come. What will you set your mind to and accomplish this year? Picture yourself next January 1st — what would you like to be different? Take some time this week to reflect on 2023, and set a goal or two for 2024. Better yet, talk to a coach or a friend about those goals — saying it out loud will help hold you accountable. 🙂
Thank you to all who came to our New Year’s WOD on Saturday, it was great to see a full gym with so many smiling, familiar faces! What a great workout.
This week marks week 1 of 6 of our progressive overload cycle — we’ll be focusing on back squat and deadlift this month. We’ll also see “Death Row” and “Karen” make an appearance in January!
Over the course of the next 3 months, we will be focusing on building everyone’s engines and top-end performance during high RPE workouts. We will accomplish this by programming two RPE 9-10 workouts per week to help prepare us for the CF Open. We will also partner this with 1 old CF Open workout per week leading up to the Open to get everyone in the “gameday” mindset to help boost confidence for the tests ahead. We can’t wait!
You may have seen some posters up in the gym for our annual Fit for Kids charity WOD. We host this workout in support of the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center, which is a nonprofit organization that offers comprehensive services to investigate cases of child maltreatment. This organization enables children and their families to heal from abuse, and advocates for safe and secure living environments. We will be doing the workout at 9 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 3 — please consider signing up for the workout by clicking here!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Gym closed
Tuesday – AMRAP and Back squat
Wednesday – METCON
Thursday – For quality workout
Friday – METCON and Deadlift
Saturday – Push press and CrossFit Games Open 17.5
Sunday – Open Gym