Happy December, CFD! We’re into the final month of 2023. Take a moment or two to reflect on 2023: What did you do really well? What’s something you could improve on heading into the new year? Maybe it’s commitment to a schedule, or commitment to putting those you love first. It could be better nutrition, more sleep, less rest days or more rest days. Maybe it’s simply greeting strangers with a smile. We love seeing you thrive inside the gym, but guess what we love even more? Seeing you thrive outside the gym. That way, we know that what we’re doing here is working — improving the overall quality of peoples’ lives. 🙂
You will be seeing some posters up in the gym for our annual Fit for Kids charity WOD. We host this workout in support of the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center, which is a nonprofit organization that offers comprehensive services to investigate cases of child maltreatment. This organization enables children and their families to heal from abuse, and advocates for safe and secure living environments. We will be doing the workout at 9 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 3 — please consider signing up for the workout by clicking here.
We saw some heavy 2-reps last week — nice work pushing yourselves toward those heavier weights. This week will be deload week, in prep for next week’s retests of back squat, deadlift and push jerk. I’m seeing lots of opportunity for good, hard work this week, so let’s get to it. 🙂
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Rope climbs and 25-min EMOM
Tuesday – Deadlift and METCON
Wednesday – Push jerk and METCON
Thursday – 21-min AMRAP
Friday – Back squat and METCON
Saturday – “Supersonic” with partner option, and post-workout strength (cleans)
Sunday — Open Gym