Merry Christmas, CFD! We’re nearing the end of 2024, what a year! This year marks CFD’s 6th year in business — we are so thankful for each and every one of you! Take some time to reflect this week on what went well this past year, and what could be better in 2025 — inside the gym, but most importantly, outside of our four walls. 🙂 Be proud of what you’ve accomplished. Think about the thing that makes you the most uncomfortable — that is your biggest opportunity for growth. As always, the team of coaches are here for you at CFD. Pull any one of us aside anytime if you’d like to chat.
Thank you for your continued support in promoting our 3rd annual 6 Week Challenge! Let your friends know how CFD has positively impacted your life, and invite people to join us through this challenge. The best part about joining the 6 Week Challenge is everyone is starting CrossFit at the same level — brand new. We’re taking away some of the “scariness” of walking into our doors for the first time. Is there anyone you know who might be waiting for an invitation to join us? CLICK HERE to register.
Let’s get to this week’s workouts …
It’s Christmas week! Monday, we will fight through multiple sets of high-rep double-unders and push-ups. Christmas Eve will be a sweat fest at 8 a.m. through the 12 Days of Christmas! (Bring your family and friends for free! If you’re in town visiting family and you need a place to work out, come join us! The more the merrier.) The gym is closed on Wednesday. 🙂 On Thursday, we are back at it with a nasty 7-round couplet that is going to pump your legs and core non-stop. It’s all about speed and consistency on Friday through a multiple-set, fast-paced beatdown. Saturday’s partner workout will be a real challenge for everyone with long rows and big set lower body dominant movements.
Have a great week, CFD!
Here are the workouts of the week:
Monday – Shock Method (squat) and DUs/Push-ups
Tuesday – 8 a.m. Christmas workout! “12 Days of Christmas” (Bring your family and friends for free!)
Wednesday – Gym is closed, Merry Christmas!
Thursday – Front squats/TTB and mini-pump leg day
Friday – Snatches and deadlift METCON
Saturday – Partner grind!
Sunday – Open Gym