Christmas week is upon us! Please keep your eye on the class schedules shown both on Wodify and below. If you see a class… we’re open! If not… then enjoy your much deserved rest day. If you’re super ambitious you can do some DB fit to get your sweat on. ? This is a great time of the year. Please use it to reflect, recharge, and restore. We all are truly blessed. Thank you CFD! Keep being awesome!
One topic I do want to touch on yet this year… we all get stressed, we all lose our temper, or say things that we wish we could take back. Even not just the things that we say but rather how we say them is equally or more so important. We often times wish we had a redo button for words and/or actions. The bitter truth however is that there is no magic take back button. I could not find who said this but a quote that resonates with me “words can hurt faster than anything”.
CFD’s goal has always been to help people. To guide them and support them to lead their best possible quality of life. We want to give you the tools to succeed in any situation. So with that in mind I am recommending living by the little league rule. What is the little league rule you ask…? Simply give it 24 hours. You see, many things seem like a big deal in the heat of the moment but with a little bit of time they either shrink down to normal size or disappear all together. The passage of time also often yields a much more tactful approach.
As our community continues to grow and we encompass more and more people from all sorts of different walks of life, our personal views will not always align. How we communicate will not always be palatable to one another. Likewise, we often times become comfortable the more time we spend around other. Think of your spouse… how long was it before you let out that first fart in front of them? Nowadays though… you just let’er rip all day and night long without a second thought! Lastly, our own unique situation can lead to how a message lands with another. Something that we’ve heard 100x before today somehow irritates us. Our attitude can be influenced by how we sleep, our friends attitudes towards one-another, that random stranger who cut us off on the way to the gym, the list goes on-and-on. Come on all… we are COMPLEX creatures! It’s ok. We’re just the way we are meant to be. All I ask is, just give it some time. I’ve used this trick countless times in my life with superb results so i thought I’d pass it along.
I cannot believe all the amazing people I have met through CFD. It is honestly hard to fathom how great EVERYONE is. How can SO MANY people get along with one another? We are a community. Yes. But we are also a family. Families don’t always move forward in harmony. The thing you need to realize is that conflict will make us stronger. Families forgive and forget. I hope this helps give another tool for how to handle what can be a complex situation.
Now on that note, I’m ready for Christmas week! How about you!?
Christmas Holiday Schedule
Wednesday 12/22 – Normal Class Schedule
Thursday 12/23 – 5:30pm class canceled, all other classes normal schedule
Friday 12/24 – 7:45am and 9am Holiday WOD’s – Free Friends and Family Events – Social afterwards
Saturday 12/25 – Christmas Day – Gym Closed All Day
Sunday 12/26 – Gym Closed All Day
Monday 12/27 – Normal Class Schedule
Tuesday 12/28 – Normal Class Schedule
Wednesday 12/29 – Normal Class Schedule
Thursday 12/30 – 5:30pm class canceled, all other classes normal schedule
Friday 12/31 – 7:45am and 9am Holiday WOD’s – Free Friends and Family Events – Social afterwards
Saturday 1/1 – New Year’s Day – Gym Closed All Day
Sunday 1/2 – Gym Closed All Day
Monday 1/3 – Normal Class Schedule Resumes
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – “Rannie”
- Tuesday – Snatch
- Wednesday – BSQT
- Thursday – “Reindeer Games” – 5:30pm class canceled
- Friday – “12 Days of Christmas” – Christmas Holiday WOD, Free Friends and Family, Social Afterwards
- Saturday – Gym Closed All Day
- Sunday – Gym Closed All Day