We have just one more full week until Christmas! With the holidays coming up, please be sure to take some time to make yourself a priority — the week leading up to Christmas can be stressful in many ways. It’s easy to let your nutrition slide during all the family get-togethers and holiday parties. Prioritize exercise, water, protein and sleep. Start your days with a workout and a nutritious breakfast — if you commit to those two habits consistently, you’re winning. 🙂
Thank you for your continued support in promoting our 3rd annual 6 Week Challenge! Let your friends know how CFD has positively impacted your life, and invite people to join us through this challenge. The best part about joining the 6 Week Challenge is everyone is starting CrossFit at the same level — brand new. We’re taking away some of the “scariness” of walking into our doors for the first time. Is there anyone you know who might be waiting for an invitation to join us? CLICK HERE to register.
Guess what? It’s the week you’ve all been waiting for … the end of the wall ball/burpee box jump over cycle. 😉 We’re retesting the initial WB/BBJO workout from 8 weeks ago. Have you made progress? Let us know!
Let’s get to this week’s workouts …
Starting the week, we have a fast-paced, 10-rounds of core and shoulders where we want to see athletes keep their foot on the gas. On Tuesday, we test our grip through 5 aggressive sets of running and high-rep hang power cleans. Wednesday has finally arrived, and it’s the retest of the 8-week Wall Ball/Burpee Box Jump Over progression. We will partner up for Thursday and have a little fun as partners work through 5 rounds on opposite stations, and once finished, they will go straight into a 3:00 AMRAP of max bar muscle-ups. Friday will be a fun test for everyone as they see if they can hold a consistent pace on the rower while stopping every 2:00 to knock out toes to bar until they finish. For Saturday, we’ll have a METCON!
Have a great week, CFD!
Here are the workouts of the week:
Monday – Deficit deadlift 3×8 and GHDs/wall walks
Tuesday – Rope climb skill work and run/hang power cleans
Wednesday – WB/BBJO re-test workout and Mini Pump: Glutes and shoulders
Thursday – Partner workout and Mini Pump: Upper body
Friday – 6 sets: 2 Power Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks; rowing/TTB
Saturday – METCON
Sunday – Open Gym