Our November challenge begins Monday! Coach Kelly made a cool tracking board, which is now next to the scoreboard at the gym. Sign up and let’s get to work! This challenge is a good one. 🙂 Perform 50 push-ups a day, every weekday (Monday through Friday), throughout the month. This adds up to 1,000 push-ups in November! A few reminders … Good rep of a Push-Up: The chest touches the ground and the arms lock out with each rep. If needed, you can modify to Knee Push Ups or Incline Push Ups. Both are great options and still count towards the challenge! You do NOT need to do them all at once. Reps can be accumulated over the day. For example, you can do 20 after you wake up, 15 before your workout, and 15 before dinner. Sign up on the challenge whiteboard at the gym!
We’re seeing a new-to-us movement this week (Monday), stick sit-ups. 🙂 These can be performed with an abmat or without. Place the abmat at the base of the back and a PVC pipe along your shoulders/traps. The thicker portion of the abmat should be closer to the athlete’s body. Athletes must touch the ground with their shoulder blades, then sit up passing the shoulders in front of the hip crease. These are much harder than they look and should be adjusted if you struggle to string a few reps together. Place dumbbells or weights on the feet as a scaling option. Have fun with these! It’s awesome to try new things.
We’ll be doing the Hero WOD “Chad” on Monday, Nov. 11, during our class times. Continue your Chad Prep this week! “Chad” is 1,000 box step-ups for time, using a 20-inch box, wearing a 45/35 pound ruck pack/vest.
Let’s talk about this week’s programming …
November is finally upon us! On Monday, we’re excited to present an enhanced version of “Annie,” featuring an increased number of double unders along with a more difficult sit-up variation. Tuesday’s workout promises to be a fast-paced, multi-set, high-intensity challenge, encouraging athletes to push through. Come Wednesday, it’s wall ball/burpee box jump over day — a demanding session where athletes tackle high-rep sets followed by active recovery for four sets on each. Thursday introduces another multi-set workout, this time partnering athletes to promote movement and provides a solid recovery day as the week wraps up. For Friday, we’re repeating a favorite, featuring an ascending rep scheme of cleans and wall walks. Finally, Saturday brings a lively partner workout with both athletes tackling different stations together for four rounds.
Make it a great week!
Here are the workouts of the week:
Monday – Power clean + front squat + push jerk and METCON (DUs, core work)
Tuesday – BMU skill work and cardio/snatches
Wednesday – Back squat (3×3) and METCON
Thursday – Partner workout! (You row, I row!)
Friday – Deadlift (3×3) and cleans/wall walks
Saturday – Partner workout! (cardio, TTB, push press)
Sunday – Open Gym