It’s one rep max week! We’ve reached the final week of our current strength cycle. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we’ll be testing our one reps in back squat, push jerk and deadlift. You know the drill! 😉 Make sure your body is getting enough rest and proper nutrition. Hydrate. Warm up and stretch. If your body isn’t feeling a one rep, don’t force it. Remember, you all have worked extra hard the last couple of months — there’s a great chance you’re ready to chase that PR. 🙂
Can you believe Thanksgiving is already here? Please invite your family and friends to join us at 8 a.m. Thursday for our holiday WOD. (Family and friends are always free on the holidays!) Start your day with a great workout and end it with quality family time. We can’t wait to celebrate with our CFD family — we are thankful for you every day!
Congrats to the Slinger High School football team on their Division 2 state championship win this past Friday — it was awesome to see the entire community of Slinger come together to support this team. Thank you for showing your school spirit throughout the last couple of weeks!
Let’s take a look at this week’s programming …
It’s Thanksgiving week, and we need some solid workouts before the festivities. Monday, we’re bringing high-rep double-unders back, mixed with upper body weightlifting for some boulder shoulders. On Tuesday, it’s time for another multiple-set, short AMRAP where intensity is up, and transitions must be on point. For Wednesday, it’s time for our WB/BBJO progression, and it has a bit of a different taste today; that’s all gas and no brakes through these five sets. Thursday is Thanksgiving, let’s work out with family and friends by our sides! Friday will be Open Gym from 8 to 10 a.m. — Coach Katie plans to run a workout beginning around 8:30 a.m., please join us! On Saturday, it’s another partner grind with a lot of rowing, shoulders, and moderate deadlifting. Good luck!
Have a great week, CFD!
Here are the workouts of the week:
Monday – 1 rep max back squat and DUs/bench press
Tuesday – 1 rep max push jerk and a multiple set AMRAP
Wednesday – 1 rep max deadlift and rowing, thrusters, burpees
Thursday – Thanksgiving workout at 8 a.m.!
Friday – Open Gym from 8 to 10 a.m. (No regular CF classes on Friday)
Saturday – Partner workout! (Rowing, HSPU and deadlift)
Sunday – Open Gym