For all who went hunting this past weekend we hope you had a successful, safe, and memorable time. Hopefully the deer was a little easier to drag this year. ?
For those who were able to participate in Lift the Weight off Kids… Thank you!!! The cause is truly a great one and your support is needed. Hopefully you were able to hit some PR’s!
This week is going to be difficult as we get all of our strength lifts in early so we can stay on track with our strength cycle and then enjoy the time off for Thanksgiving. Hopefully we see all of you for the Thanksgiving Day WOD. Please make sure to sign up early so we have an accurate head count. We will add another class if needed.
Let’s go get it CFD!
Thanksgiving Schedule
Here is our schedule for the week of November 23rd:
- Wednesday 11/25 – 6:15pm class canceled. All other normal classes still on.
- Thursday 11/26 – 9am Holiday WOD : “TRYPTOPHAN”! This is sure to leave you feeling sleepy…
! Friends and family are free this day so grab a bud or buddet and let’s get sweaty!
- Friday 11/27 – Gym Closed
- Saturday 11/28 – Normal class schedule resumes.
Pardon our dust. There are some small construction projects going on around the gym. We do not see a need to change our class schedule at all but as things change there may be a few messes. We’ll do our best to keep it to a minimum but want to give you all a heads up. Thanks for the understanding.
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – BSQT
- Tuesday – Strict Press
- Wednesday – Deadlift
- Thursday – Holiday WOD
- Friday – GYM CLOSED
- Saturday – Partner WOD
- Sunday – Open Gym