Happy Holdiay Week, CFD!
As usual, CFD will have an adjusted Holiday Schedule. Monday thru Wednesday will be business as usual, Thursday we will have ONE WORKOUT scheduled at 8 am. This workout is open to friends and family, please have your guests register with this link: https://crossfitdevelop.wodify.com/OnlineSalesPortal/ReviewPurchase.aspx?OnlineMembershipId=98035&ClassId=127340650&fbclid=IwAR3k22f6VnbTEKBPs1LuwKEH0nQE8c6wZUk2unrtVGEnsuPuJ-8Pykx39S8
Need help staying on track with your nutrition over the holidays?
Join our “Holiday Weight Loss Challenge”
We’ve said it many times: you spend 1 hour at the gym – what do you do in the remaining 23 hours?
CrossFit Develop is starting one Wednesday, November 23. The contest will run for 6 weeks ending on January 4.
What is the Holiday Weight Loss Challenge? You will be provided with a customized plan of action: Kelly uses your individual goals and lifestyle to create a plan that will work for YOU. As your weight changes, your personalized plan will change too! You will always have someone working with you to achieve your goals. To guide you to a lifestyle change!
What do you all receive with this challenge?
Consultation via email and Questionnaire
Develop Nutrition Holiday Coaching Plan
Weight and waist measurement
Customized plan for you!
Access to private FB group “CFD Holiday Challenge”
Tips, Recipes and other great ideas!
A coach who is available whenever you need – Text, email, or call! Coach Kelly is here to help!
It costs $60 to participate in the challenge. This helps hold you accountable because if you pay for it then you’ll be more likely to stay motivated. Cash only please! Because the payout will be in cash!
There will be a cash payout to the top “loser”.
Yes, we are holding this over the holiday months on purpose! We want to help keep you accountable! It becomes way too easy to let yourself slide during the holiday months. Did you know the average American gains 10 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, they retain 5 of those pounds one year later? Let’s not be in this statistic!
More details can be found on the CFD Members FaceBook page, or talk to one of the coaches in person at the gym to get started.
It’s not too late to join the Rogue 1000# Challenge! Join CFD Athletes on Sunday, December 18th during open gym for the Rogue 1000# Challenge. This is a test of maxes of Deadlift, Back Squat, and Bench, and the challenge winners (men lifting 1000+# and women lifting 750+#) will earn a coveted club t-shirt. LET’S GET HUGE. Even if you are not participating, come out to cheer on your fellow weight slayers as they tackle this challenge.
NCMETCON Weekly November Commitments
- (1-2) Sprint Workouts
- (1) Back Squat Day
- (1) Deadlift Day
- (1) Bench Press Day
- (1) NCFLEX Finisher
- (1) Optional Partner Workout
NCMETCON November Benchmarks
- DT
- Ripcord ✅
- Rouge 1000LB CHALLENGE:get signed up for the 1000# challenge on the Rouge website! We will be doing the challenge as a group on December 18th. https://www.roguefitness.com/challenges?gclid=Cj0KCQiAveebBhD_ARIsAFaAvrEQHd_vxrPqiOF7oKh_9tDEzNnRz4p5uQHDCBbKuq0tpIIxxl8aM9waAkIGEALw_wcB#/about
- HERO WOD Sunday’s during Open Gym (8-10 am). Open gym is staffed by a coach, but not “coached,” so come prepared to warm-up and workout on your own! Watch for the workout to be posted on the CFD Members Facebook page.
Looking to Compete?
Here are some upcoming Competitions in our area!
December 10: Driftless Winter Throwdown (MF) scaled, intermediate, Rx, Driftless CrossFit, Onalaska
December 18: Rouge 1000/750# Challenge at CFD. Challenge is open now, closes December 31.
January 21: Beasts, Beers, and Barbells (Individual), Redemption Fitness, Waukesha
February 3-5: Fit For Kids
Monday: Bench // Tabata Metcon
Tuesday: “DT”
Wednesday: “Clearance Sale” with Parter Option // Barbell (Snatch)
Thursday: Holiday Wod “Sampler Platter II”
Friday: OPEN GYM
Saturday: Barbell (Clean & Jerk) // Deadlift // Metcon
Sunday: OPEN GYM
Heidi Kilbourn
Gym Manager //USAW-L1 //CF-L1