We have an exciting week of training this week guys! We are going to be starting a strength cycle this week so we are testing our push press and front squat. Please try to make it in these days and record your weights so we all have good number to use for this upcoming cycle.
It’s that time of year again… Thanksgiving week holiday schedule is shown below.
Have a great week!
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule:
Monday 11/25 thru Wednesday 11/27 is regular class schedule.
Thanksgiving Day 11/28 9am holiday WOD. Friends and family are free and we will hang around for a Bloody-Mary / Mimosa social afterwards. Please sign up at gym.
Black Friday 11/29 the gym will be closed.
Saturday 11/30 regular class schedule resumes.
Come try TSC at 8am or our regular WOD at 9am!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – WOD
Tuesday – 1RM Push Press
Wednesday – 1RM FSQT
Thursday – WOD
Friday – “Cali Bear” Retest
Saturday – WOD
Sunday – Open Gym