As we start this strength cycle off please make sure to keep your eye on the lifts of the week. You will be able to get the most benefit by hitting the days every week where we are performing the major lifts. I look forward to seeing everyone’s progress this time. I can already hear the PR bell ringing!
Other than that, there is not much going on this week. We will be having our holiday challenge like we have done in the years past so keep your eyes out for more information. Let’s make sure to get enough sleep and recovery to keep our bodies healthy as the stress of the holidays begins.
Here we go CFD! Week 1 of the strength cycle! Yeah!!!
Lift the Weight off Kids
We will be hosting Lift the Weight off Kids again this year. Make sure to get your sponsors and your muscles ready for this great event! Lift the Weight off Kids is a fundraiser for Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Washington County. Washington County gyms compete to win the title of strongest gym with the goal of raising funds to help Washington County youth. This is a great event and we would like to see as many of you as able to compete. The gym will be open this Saturday the 21th from 10:00am until Noon to complete the events. For more details ask a coach or see the flyers in the gym. Let’s smash this CFD!!!
Thanksgiving Schedule
Here is our schedule for the week of November 23rd:
- Wednesday 11/25 – 6:15pm class canceled. All other normal classes still on.
- Thursday 11/26 – 9am Holiday WOD : This will be a Thanksgiving sampler platter workout! ? Friends and family are free this day so grab a bud or buddet and let’s get sweaty!
- Friday 11/27 – Gym closed.
- Saturday 11/28 – Normal class schedule resumes.
Pardon our dust. There are some small construction projects going on around the gym. We do not see a need to change our class schedule at all but as things change there may be a few messes. We’ll do our best to keep it to a minimum but want to give you all a heads up. Thanks for the understanding.
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – Deadlift
- Tuesday – WOD
- Wednesday – Cleans
- Thursday – Strict Press
- Friday – Back Squat
- Saturday – METCON
- Sunday – Open Gym