October is over. ? Hope you all had a great Halloween weekend! With the end of October, we also say good bye to our gymnastic cycle. Whatever will we do next…?!?
Well November is here and the end of the year is sure to fly by in a hurry. We have sown the seed for the year and now it is time to reap the harvest. In the final two months we are going to be diving into the culmination of all of our hard work with a very well rounded and classic feeling in the final 8 weeks. In the workout department of things, the goal is to clearly feel what the stimulus of our EFFORT workouts is 2x/week with “For Time” METCONs in the 7:00-15:00 time frame, including broad ranges of skill and strength and speed within that time domain.
When it comes to strength, expect to see an increased focus and emphasis on Overhead Squatting, including Skill + Strength development that will also see itself play out in Snatching more often. This will also include the addition of both an Olympic lifting session and/or complex as well as a powerlifting day (Press/Squat/Deadlift) each week. I am fired up to finish this year strong, but the work is not done yet!
Weekly Commitments in November
*All-out EFFORT workout 2x/Week
*Increased presence of Overhead Squat + Snatch
*1 Powerlifting Day
*1 Oly/Complex Day
*1 New or Classic Named Workout
November Benchmarks
*Power Plus Amanda
*Fight Gone Bad
Here’s the “CHAD” Extra Credit Plan:
- Week 5 of 6 (11/1) – 400/200 Step-Ups
- Week 6 of 6 (11/8) – CHAD on 11/11
Enjoy the first week of November CFD! The best month of the year!!! ? (hmmmm, that’s debatable!)
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – METCON
- Tuesday – WOD
- Wednesday – METCON
- Thursday – WOD
- Friday – “Power Plus Amanda”
- Saturday – Bench Press! then WOD
- Sunday – Open Gym