Where to start, where to start. There is just too much to cover in this blog post!
Ok. Let’s start here…. we are so very blessed to be welcoming another two amazing people onto our coaching staff at CFD. That’s right! Not one but two more coaches! Please help me to welcome long time members Jaymee Harvey Willms and Katie Gardner! You’ve worked out with them for years. You’ve shared highs and lows and now you get to be guided by these two amazing ladies along your fitness and life journey. We for one can’t wait to see all the great things that these lovely ladies will do! Jaymee has to be one of the kindest people that we have ever had the pleasure to meet. She is a super talented and we can’t wait to see how her ability to connect with people and meet them at their level will help people change for the better. Speaking of super talented, Katie is the very definition of that. She is a superb photographer (check out the headshots on our Coaches tab of the webpage). Furthermore, she is one of the best, most kind mothers I know, as well as an overall phenomenal listener (and air biker… ?). Couple all that with her natural eye and quick wit, she is going to be a coaching phenom. I just know it. We’re SO HAPPY to have you both on-board.
Before I let you go, I want to make sure to mention that Mike is through our on-boarding process so you can look forward to seeing him lead classes in the near future. We are so happy to have him as a member of our coaching staff. He is super fun to have around and has a great eye for detail. This coupled with his strong need to help people will make him a great Coach! Welcome onboard Mike! We’re SO HAPPY to have you.
In Jaymee’s own words:“If you don’t mind a little paint and sawdust- I am the coach for you! I came to CrossFit Develop looking to get strong. As a coach for athletes of all ages, I want the same for you. CrossFit put the end to year over year of injuries. I am looking forward to supporting you along this journey to a healthier and more functional life. Building mental, emotional, and physical strength is what we do at CFD, and I am thrilled to help you along your journey to do just that.”
In Katie’s own words:
“I walked into CrossFit Develop for the first time in 2018 with one of my closest friends by my side. (It’s always easier to try something new with a friend, right?) I was a runner, but I was not strong. I was somewhat healthy, but I was not fit. I was a mom of three little kids who was tired of basement workouts. l had absolutely no way of knowing how much CFD would change my life for the better. I came for the fitness and stayed for the community — I’ve gained strength, confidence, friends, a healthy body and a clearer mind. I’ve lost pounds, self-doubt, insecurities, and physical and mental weaknesses. There’s nothing quite like leaving your stresses at the door and getting in an amazing workout. I’ve realized through the years that CrossFit Develop is a safe place for so many people — you’re surrounded by positive, like-minded friends with similar goals and outlooks. The atmosphere at CFD is incomparable. We all want to be here, we all want to grow in so many different ways, and it shows. My goal as a coach is to continually improve your life, one hour at a time. My husband, Tommy, and I live in Slinger with our three kids, ages 9, 7 and 7. I’m a wedding and family photographer with a studio in Milwaukee’s Third Ward. In my free time, I love hanging out with my family, watching my kids play sports, traveling, getting together with friends, drinking coffee and old fashioneds, spending time at the lake, running, waterskiing, hiking … and most of all, helping my children become the best little people they can possibly be. Give CrossFit Develop a try, it just might be the best thing you ever do for yourself. And if you don’t have someone to walk in with you, please reach out — I will meet you at the front door. “
Welcome Katie and Jaymee! You’re going to do great things!
Next up on my list of things to cover is the highlight reel for this month’s work. Just like last month where we focused on going heavy and gymnastics to reap the benefits of our last strength cycle, we will continue with this trend in October. This coming week we will be testing both out MAX toes to bar as well as our MAX strict pullups. We will be working to improve these movements throughout the month of October and close out the month with a retest. This will give us a quick pulse check on short range improvement results. Speaking of tests… in week 1 we will see a retest of “Point Break”, in week 2 we will see “Cali-Bear” for the third and final time this year, and in week 3 “Ripcord” will once again make an appearance. Oh, and last but not least don’t forget that the month of October is all about Halloween and what would Halloween be without a little spookiness and terror. Therefore, we will close out this month is a workout that is sure to leave you chilled to the bone. Rest assured… terrifying workouts are my specialty. ? In fact let’s start out this week with a little fear. ? Here’s to Monday’s WOD!
One last thing to mention about this month’s programming is how we will start building for a workout sure to test you at a whole new level both mentally as well as physically. Veteran’s Day is November 11th and we will be performing the hero workout “Chad” which features 1,000 Box Step-Ups. This is a massive volume for athletes to conquer, and we want to make sure that they are as prepared as possible for this feat. Beginning on the week of 10/4, we will start a 6 week Extra Credit cycle to get our athletes accustomed to the type of volume they will see in Chad. Each day features both an NC1 and an NC2 rep count. The Extra Credit builds to a hefty 700 Step-Ups before a “de-load” week between “Chad” itself which culminates for this honorary workout on 11/11. We tell you to do the finishers all the time. Now more than ever is a good time to get these in so you are prepared for the test ahead.
Here’s the “CHAD” Extra Credit Plan:
- Week 1 of 6 (10/4) – 125/75 & 250/150 Step-Ups
- Week 2 of 6 (10/11) – 400/200 Step-Ups
- Week 3 of 6 (10/18) – 550/300 Step-Ups
- Week 4 of 6 (10/25) – 700/400 Step-Ups
- Week 5 of 6 (11/1) – 400/200 Step-Ups
- Week 6 of 6 (11/8) – CHAD on 11/11
Well, you know me and I have LOTS more to say but I’ll just wrap up this blog post by saying that we are very grateful for all the responses that we received to the recent survey. Please keep your eye out for an email communication in regards to some upcoming policy and class schedule changes. Likewise, this feedback has helped up identify some very specific areas of improvement. I’ll be talking more about these in upcoming blog posts and we will be using the monthly challenges to incentivize some behavioral changes. Always remember the goal here CFD. We want to move the needle to improve your quality of life and continually strive the be the best possible version of yourself. Keep being awesome CFD!
Now let’s go get after this Ghoulishly Good month of workouts!!!
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – METCON (Let’s GO! This is GOOD STUFF!!!)
- Tuesday – MAX TTB pretest and Power Cleans
- Wednesday – OHS
- Thursday – Deadlift – Training Day
- Friday – MAX Strict PullUps and WOD
- Saturday – FSQT “Point Break”
- Sunday – Open Gym