WOW! This week’s programming looks spicy!!! If you’re the type of person who likes hot sauce on your eggs to get you going first thing in the morning… well then, this week is for you! Yeah, that kind of SPICY!!! The it’s got a little KICK kinda spicy! I hope you’re picking up on what I’m saying here… ?
Just one other thing… good luck to all of our teams competing this weekend. Or depending on when you read this… I hope you had a blast! I’m sure you did or will crush it!!! lol
Here’s the “CHAD” Extra Credit Plan:
- Week 4 of 6 (10/25) – 700/400 Step-Ups
- Week 5 of 6 (11/1) – 400/200 Step-Ups
- Week 6 of 6 (11/8) – CHAD on 11/11
Prepare yourself for a WOD-erful week CFD!!! ???
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – Strict Pullups and WOD
- Tuesday – WOD
- Wednesday – WOD
- Thursday – METCON
- Friday – Hang Power Clean
- Saturday – MAX TTB and “Hocus Pocus”
- Sunday – Open Gym