Let’s talk about something that I commonly see happen about the CF gym…. so, imagine this… you work your tail off for weeks (maybe even months) and then all of the sudden you do it! You finally master that skill you’ve been working towards! Great! You feel proud. You feel accomplished. You think to yourself ‘well I finally got that figured out’ and ‘next time that comes up in a WOD I’ll finally be able to get that Rx’. Maybe it’s a muscle up, maybe stringing together your toes to bar, maybe it’s that elusive first set of double-unders. Here is the problem… if you stop practicing, then whatever the movement is will quickly go away. YOU NEED TO KEEP WORKING!!! Remember how we learn anything in life… movement, consistency, intensity. You got the movement figured out and that’s a great first step but without consistency you will never master it. So, keep working! You’ve got this! That’s all… plain and simple. I just want to encourage you all.
Before I leave this this subject please also remember that only with a firm grasp of the fundamentals are you truly able to master anything. So keep working the basic to the advanced and you won’t believe where you will go!
Now let’s get to work CFD!!! This is going to be a great week I just know it!!!
Pardon our dust. There are some small construction projects going on around the gym. We do not see a need to change our class schedule at all but as things change there may be a few messes. We’ll do our best to keep it to a minimum but want to give you all a heads up. Thanks for the understanding.
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – FSQT
- Tuesday – Snatch “Isabel”
- Wednesday – WOD
- Thursday – C&J
- Friday – MU’s and DL’s
- Saturday – Row’n n WOD’n
- Sunday – Open Gym