Happy Sunday CFD! Looking forward to a staring the week with a heavy workout tomorrow, who’s with me?? Consistency is the name of the game this month. Make sure you are checking in to your classes, and log your attendance daily on Wodify Rise! With so many activities and events to cram in before the snow flies, it’s easy neglect our workouts, CFD coaches have your back and look forward to seeing you in the gym! Remember that Open Gym is offered Tuesdays 6:30 pm as well as Sundays 8 am until 10 am.
🎃CROSSFIT KIDS IS BACK! Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 pm ages 8-13. Punch cards for CFK classes can be purchased anytime on the CrossFit Develop website.
NCMETCON Weekly October Commitments
(1-2) Grind Workouts
(1) Snatch Day
(1) Clean
(1) Jerk Day
(1) Front Squat Day
(1) Optional Partner Workout
NCMETCON September/October Olympic Lifting Cycle
WEEK 1 (9/5) ✔️
Heavy 1-Rep Snatch
Heavy 1-Rep Clean & Jerk
Front Squat (10-10-8)
WEEK 2 (9/12) ✔️
Hang Muscle Snatch + Hang Power Snatch
Hang Muscle Clean + Hang Power Clean
Drop Jerks
Front Squat (10-8-6)
WEEK 3 (9/19) ✔️
High Hang Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch
High Hang Power Clean + Hang Power Clean
Push Jerk + Split Jerk
Front Squat (8-6-6)
WEEK 4 (9/26) ✔️
Clean Deadlift + Clean Pull
Pausing Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull
Pausing Split Jerks
Front Squat (6-6-4)
WEEK 5 (10/3) ✔️
Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean
Split Jerks
Front Squat (6-4-4)
WEEK 6 (10/10)
Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch
Clean + Hang Squat Clean
Power Clean + Jerk
Front Squat (4-4-2)
WEEK 7 (10/17)
Clean & Jerk
Front Squat (4-2-2)
WEEK 8 (10/24)
WEEK 9 (10/31)
Heavy 1-Rep Snatch
Heavy 1-Rep Clean and Jerk
NCMETCON October Benchmarks
1-Rep Front Squat
1-Rep Clean & Jerk
1-Rep Snatch
1 New Named Benchmark Workout
California Dreamin (Remix of California Love)
CrossFit Kids and Tuesday night Open Gym are BACK! Beginning October 4, for ages 8-13. CFK will be offered Tuesdays from 6:30- 7:30 pm, and Open Gym will be offered to members during this time as well. Sign up on crossfitdevelop.com
October Accountability Challenge: 1) find the days of the week you will come to class; 2) reserve your spot in Wodify and put it on your calendar, make it non-negotiable; 3) come to class! Every time you come to class you will get 1 point when logged in Wodify Rise. Barbell and Open Gym will count for points too!
Be respectful during chalk talk! Whether it is during your class or the following class, chalk talk is a crucial part of CFD classes. Be on time and be mindful of your volume.
HERO WOD Sunday’s during Open Gym (8-10 am). Open gym is staffed by a coach, but not “coached,” so come prepared to warm-up and workout on your own! Watch for the workout to be posted on the CFD Members Facebook page.
Looking to Compete?
Here are some upcoming Competitions in our area!
October 22: Festivus (FF or MM or MF) novice, intermediate, or Masters 45+, Redemption, Waukesha
October 22: Brew City Open (weightlifting meet) individual, Brew City CrossFit, Milwaukee
October 29: Chi-Town Throwdown (Individual) Big Shoulders CrossFit, Elmhurst, IL
October 30: Chi-Town Throwdown (MMFF) Big Shoulders CrossFit, Elmhurst, IL
November 12: Graveyard Games (MMF) CrossFit Kenosha, Kenosha
December 10: Driftless Winter Throwdown (MF) scaled, intermediate, Rx, Driftless CrossFit, Onalaska
Monday: Power Clean and Jerk (heavy)
Tuesday: Front Squat (effort)
Wednesday: Snatch and “Atlas” (grind) // Barbell (snatch)
Thursday: Active Recovery Metcon (effort)
Friday: Clean (effort)
Saturday: Barbell (Clean & Jerk) // Partner Metcon
Sunday: OPEN GYM
Heidi Kilbourn
Gym Manager //USAW-L1 //CF-L1