Well if you read the blog last week I said that I had A LOT to go over. Bet you were on the edge of your seat all week… ? lol Well have no fear. The wait is over!
Do you remeber your first class at CrossFit Develop? Do you remeber the feelings and the emotions that lead up to actually clicking that free trial buttion or taking that first step through the door? I mean sure… it’s easy to come to class now. You have your friends, your click, your tribe if you will. You look forward to coming in, seeing your friends, and getting in a good workout while you are at it. But what if… just stick with me here for a second… what if all of your friends went away? Even worse, what if everyone else had friends, people to talk to, people to laugh and joke around with, and what if you had no one? You were the black sheep of the group so to say. You were there. You showed up more days than not but for some reason you just did not have tons of people to talk to. To make it even wose everyone else was just SO AWESOME! They make all those Rx movements seem effortless while you struggle just to get though the workout scaled. You’re there… you’re putting in the work… you’re TRYING! PLEASE!!! Does anyone else see me trying!? You feel on an island. You want change. You’re not happy where you are. But you’re here. Trying to make a change. Just trying to be better…
Now if the above were real how much do you think it would mean to you for someone, just one person to say ‘Hello!’. To ask how your day is going or to share some friendly banter before the alarming call of 3… 2… 1… GO! What if someone just walked up to you and said ‘Hey, you got a plan for this WOD? No… here let me help.’. What an amazing feeling that would be. I bet you would be walking around on clouds all day! I also am willing to bet that you would feel a much greater sense of belong, community, and that the change you’re working towards would feel just a little bit closer.
A healthy lifestyle is not easy. Making good choices is not easy. Changing yourself is not easy. Community helps. Friends help. I am here to tell you that I am truly blessed. I have a world class support group. Without I’m not even sure where my life would be. (Love ‘ya Babe! ?) I am sure that I would not have made as many good choices in my life as what I have. (This is where I throw out the disclaimer that I definitely could have done better)
So even though I could go on and on about this topic. I would love to go into Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and spew forth my opinions on how we should all be getting along. I’m going to keep this short and sweet by ending with a call to action. Next time you’re in class and see someone just a little off, someone struggling, awkward and unsure of themselves, someone quite and maybe even a bit removed. Shoot them a smile, talk to them, and be helpful and genuine. Don’t just stick to your same old tribe. Let other’s in. Break your mold and grow. CFD is growing in new and exciting ways and you should to. I know – you know what I mean. ?
Here’s the “CHAD” Extra Credit Plan:
- Week 2 of 6 (10/11) – 400/200 Step-Ups
- Week 3 of 6 (10/18) – 550/300 Step-Ups
- Week 4 of 6 (10/25) – 700/400 Step-Ups
- Week 5 of 6 (11/1) – 400/200 Step-Ups
- Week 6 of 6 (11/8) – CHAD on 11/11
Woot! Woot!! Now let’s get after it!!!
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – Clean and Jerk “The CaliBear”
- Tuesday – GOAT Work
- Wednesday – “Ellen”
- Thursday – METCON
- Friday – Push Press
- Saturday – Murphish WOD
- Sunday – Open Gym