Happy 2024! It’s been a great week at CFD — our classes have been filled with members who are ready to start the year off on a positive note. We love to see all of you giving yourselves that time every day — let’s keep your momentum moving in the right direction. One good choice leads to another good choice, and before you know it, you’ll be stacking days and then weeks of a healthier, more positive lifestyle and mindset.
We started our Weight Loss/Nutrition Challenge this week with Coach Kelly — if you have any questions as you focus on your nutrition this month, please reach out to a coach anytime. The Facebook group for this challenge is also a great source of support and information. 🙂
Our 6 Week Challenge class began this week! We are welcoming 12 new faces with this class and we couldn’t be more excited to introduce them to our training style and our community. If you see new people in passing, please offer a smile and a welcoming introduction. We all know how intimidating it can be to walk into a gym for the first time. As Kelly said this past week, “Someone new joined your CrossFit gym this week and it could change their life forever. Introduce yourself to them.”
We’re starting off this week with a classic workout, “Death Row.” I by no means am an expert, but I’ve realized through the years that if “death” is in the name of the WOD, y’all better be ready. 🙂 Approach this workout like you would approach any challenge — head on, with confidence and strength. I’ve done this workout 7 times (tomorrow will be my 8th), and although my intensity and reps have increased through the years, it never gets easier. But it shouldn’t — we don’t like easy at CFD. Doing hard things in the gym helps you face hard things outside of the gym. Don’t skip this WOD, we promise you’ll leave feeling proud and accomplished.
Our annual Fit for Kids charity WOD is approaching! We host this workout in support of the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center, which is a nonprofit organization that offers comprehensive services to investigate cases of child maltreatment. This organization enables children and their families to heal from abuse, and advocates for safe and secure living environments. We will be doing the workout at 9 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 3 — please consider signing up for the workout by clicking here!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – “Death Row”
Tuesday – METCON and Deadlift
Wednesday – We love to bike 😉
Thursday – Rope climbs and METCON
Friday – METCON and Back squat
Saturday – Snatches and METCON (Similar to Open 13.1)
Sunday – Open Gym