If you’re an avid reader of this blog, you will notice that the last two have come out a bit late. Well believe it or not, I’ve got a fairly good reason for that. You see I’ve had a topic that I’ve spent way to may hours thinking about. I’ve written, re-written, edited, gone back and forth on, and just plain struggled with how to say it or bring it up just how I want to. Well without further hesitation I’ve just decided to cut to the chase as they say.
Be kind. It’s that simple. I’m not sure if it’s a comfort thing, stress level, just or something else. However, I’ve noticed some individuals not being kind and I’d like to ask you all to be kind. Especially to our coaches. We may not always get it right but I assure you that we always have your best interest in mind. So, when you notice that a mistake is made, please be kind. Sure, you can bring it up. Sure, you can question Coaches. In fact, I hope you do. However, we all deserve to be treated with fairness, honesty, and respect at all times. So please keep that in mind, choose your words wisely, put yourself in the other persons shoes, and be kind. We are a team, we are a community, and work through some painful situations together on an almost daily basis. We are stronger together, and we thrive by building each other up. We will all grow stronger together. It’s that simple. Anything further on this topic, I’ll let you ponder on your own. Thank you for your understanding.
4 weeks to the CrossFit Open…. enough said there. ?Congratulations to Coach Heidi! She did an awesome job competing this weekend down in Texas. 5th overall all is nothing short of amazing! Way to lay it all out there against some stiff competition. You inspire us all!
Here we go CFD. Yet another great week!January/February Overhead Squat Cycle
- Week 5 of 8 (1/31) – Working Week, 4×3 @ 92%
- Week 6 of 8 (2/7) – Working Week, 2×3 @ 95% / 1×3 @ <100%
- Week 7 of 8 (2/14) – Deload Week, 4×3 @ 80%
- Week 8 of 8 (2/21) – Heavy 3-Rep
The CrossFit Open
This year The CrossFit Open will run Febuary 24th through March 14th . We will once again be creating teams for The CF Open. We’ll be releasing more information regarding this in the very near future. For now just keep your eye out and get yourself ready mentally for three awesome weeks of fitness!
Fit For Kids Charity WOD
We are parterning with the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center to host the Fit For Kids Charity WOD April 1st thru 3rd. Registration for this even will open soon. We hope we can get a great turnout for this event and help support this crutical work in our community. Thanks for your envolvement CFD!
Four-tified will be held on Saturday, May 7th 2022. We’ll be releasing more info as the event get closer but for now start thinking who you want on your team of four! This even is awesome and you’re for sure gonna want to be part of it. We can’t wait!!!
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – WOD (Rope Climbs)
- Tuesday – “Punch Out”
- Wednesday – METCON
- Thursday – WOD
- Friday – OHS
- Saturday – WOD
- Sunday – Open Gym