As we continue our prep for The Open keep your eye out for information about how to sign up. We also plan to have teams again this year as we have in the past. With the new format I’m very excited for this year! There will be options for Rx and Scaled, full on, minimal equipment, and no equipment. There is no reason everyone cannot participate this year!
Speaking of this year… what are we going to do when The Open is over with!?!? Oh don’t you worry… ? We’ve got your plan. We will be using a bi-monthly focus just like we did in 2020. Here’s the plan all:
Jan/Feb – NCFit Baselines/”Unlocking AMRAPS”/Skills
– All this leads to establishing solid baselines to work on for the year ahead and prep for The Open
Mar/Apr – Olympic Lifts/BSQT-FSQT-OHS Strength
– I see heavy barbells in your future! We will start off establishing some 1RM’s then use those numbers to push up our maxes during these two months. Goal = Get Strong and Get Confident Under a Heavy Barbell (PSA – I personally can’t WAIT for this one!)
May/Jun – Conditioning/Going “Long” (21:00+)/Accessory Work
– As the weather turns warmer it’s time to maximize the strength gainz we just had and improve our conditioning. Plan for 21+min workouts 2x/week and accessory work a minimum of 3x/week
Jul/Aug – Wendler/Going “Fast” (-10:00)
– Fully recovered during the past two months it’s time to push up our strength numbers once again with a BSQT/DL/Strict Press focus during our Wendler cycle. With the focus on strength, it’s time to go fast! Expect 3-10min workouts. Oh yeah! This is going to get spicy!
Sep/Oct – Gymnastics/Going “Heavy” 2x/week
– With all those new strength gainz it’s time to put it to work! We will hit every time domain you can imagine while mixing in gymnastic work. Incorporating higher than normal volume 2x/week we will start with strict strength work then build into higher skill work.
Nov/Dec – Building Power/Overall Output
– Lets get to WORK! We will round out the year by showing off all that we accomplished in 2021. It’s all about power out! Moderate time ranges. Moderate to heavy loads. Then we’ll let off the gas pedal just a little bit as we ease into the holidays with some short time domain workouts (Ok… it’s Fran. I can’t help but say it… ?) that are your favorites.
Here we go CFD! Here’s to 2021! It’s gonna be a great year!!!
Old-Fashioned Night
On Feb 26th we will be having an Old-Fashioned Night! This is a time to gather together, enjoy some drinks and friendships, and in true CF fashion… compete to see who makes the best! ? Please find the event on CFD members and respond if you will be attending or not. As soon as we have an accurate head count, we will set the location (it will be either in Slinger of Hartford). Can’t wait to see you all there!
We are going to try something new… we will no longer be setting the cardio equipment out every night. It’s going to be on a first come first serve basis. You can either leave it where it is or pull it over to your work area. Please clean it and put it back where you found it after your WOD. It you have a favorite bike just make sure to get to the gym early!
/ Reserve
Just a friendly reminder here to reserve your spot in classes and sign-in. Classes have been quite full as of late which is awesome, but we need to make sure to use the system. To be clear, it is YOUR job to sign-in not the coaches. The coach should simply be checking the list to make sure everyone is there. Thanks for the understanding. If there are any questions please reach out.
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – WOD
- Tuesday – WOD (Rope Climbs)
- Wednesday – Cleans
- Thursday – WOD (Shoulders and Back!)
- Friday – “The Chief”
- Saturday – Deadlift
- Sunday – Open Gym