Well “Death Row” was fun, right guys?? 😉 Eek. Nice work getting to the gym and checking off another tough workout this past week. We will re-test again in April to see our improvement on this BEAST of a WOD.
Lots of us have been snowed in this past week, working from home, watching our kids, shoveling 8 times a day … but all of this has been made easier because we are CrossFitters! We’re stronger physically and we can tackle hard things mentally. It’s been amazing to see you face the rough weather and make it into the gym. We know it can feel easier in the winter especially to sleep in, relax on the couch, and miss a day or three. Don’t fool yourself, you need exercise now more than ever during these long winter months. We are here for YOU — keep showing up!
Our 6 Week Challenge class is off to a great start! We are welcoming 12 new people with the class — I’m sure you’ll run into them before or after your own classes. A smile or a handshake goes a long way. 🙂
We are in the middle of a 6-week progressive overloading cycle with the Back Squat and Deadlift ending in a 1-Rep test. These strength sessions are happening AFTER the workout to simulate a lift post-workout in the Open — we are confident athletes will feel better prepared to lift after a short and fast-paced workout.
This month we will also see skill work that will focus around movements that commonly show up in the Open and that most of us should have tucked in our back pocket.
Our annual Fit for Kids charity WOD is approaching! ***This Friday is the t-shirt deadline for this fundraiser. T-shirt sign up is at our front desk.*** We host this workout in support of the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center, which is a nonprofit organization that offers comprehensive services to investigate cases of child maltreatment. This organization enables children and their families to heal from abuse, and advocates for safe and secure living environments. We will be doing the workout at 9 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 3 — please consider signing up for the workout by clicking here!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Power cleans and METCON
Tuesday – EMOM and Back squat
Wednesday – METCON (Time to practice those TTB!)
Thursday – HSPU and “Push the Pace”
Friday – METCON and Deadlift
Saturday – CrossFit Games Open 22.3
Sunday – Open Gym