good evening CFD! CrossFit Kids is back! Beginning October 4, for ages 8-13. CFK will be offered Tuesdays from 6:30- 7:30 pm, and Open Gym will be offered to members during this time as well. Registration is available on crossfitdevelop.com
Keep logging those miles in Wodify Rise through the end of September! Remember that walking counts too, and is a great way to recover after class!
We are entering week THREE of our nine week Olympic lifting and front squat cycle, so keep showing up and working for those big lifts. Weekly lift schedule is posted below!
SEPTEMBER SCHEDULE CHANGE: Wednesday night barbell will be moving from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm, and CrossFit will be at 4:30 pm
Be respectful during chalk talk! Whether it is during your class or the following class, chalk talk is a crucial part of CFD classes. Be on time and be mindful of your volume.
HERO WOD Sunday’s during Open Gym (8-10 am). Open gym is staffed by a coach, but not “coached,” so come prepared to warm-up and workout on your own! Watch for the workout to be posted on the CFD Members Facebook page.
September Mile Challenge: register today on CFD Member’s Facebook page or through Wodify Rise.
Looking to Compete?
Here are some upcoming Competitions in our area!
October 1: Cooler by the Lake Clash (MMM or FFF) Brew City, Milwaukee
October 8: Rua Rumble (MMFF teams) CrossFit Rua, Frankfort, IL
October 22: Brew City Open (weightlifting meet) individual, Brew City CrossFit, Milwaukee
October 29: Chi-Town Throwdown (Individual) Big Shoulders CrossFit, Elmhurst, IL
October 30: Chi-Town Throwdown (MMFF) Big Shoulders CrossFit, Elmhurst, IL
Monday: Power Snatch
Tuesday: Front Squat // “Flatline”
Wednesday: Jerks // Barbell (clean and jerk)
Thursday: Active Recovery Metcon
Friday: Power Cleans
Saturday: Barbell (snatch) // Partner METCON
Sunday: OPEN GYM
Heidi Kilbourn
Gym Manager //USAW-L1 //CF-L1