CFD Athletes! You all crushed the first week of the push/pull programming. This week we saw a few opportunities for “training” days where you were able to push your strength threshold as well as incorporate skill building. As a coach, this was very exciting to watch.
This week you will notice the word “STIMULUS” on the whiteboard. The intention for this is to keep in mind the intended stimulus of the programming, and adjust (scale) the workout appropriately for yourself so that you are hitting that stimulus every day. Challenge yourself and hold yourself accountable! This is where we find opportunity for growth.
Speaking of the whiteboard, a gentle reminder to folks that chalk talk is very important. Please do your best to be on time and pay attention. Be cognizant of subsequent classes during chalk talk, and keep after class conversations at a low volume. Thank you in advance!
Now let’s get to the fun stuff…
Weekly July Commitments
(1) Girl Workout Weekly…but with a TWIST!
(1) Gymnastics “Push” Focused Skill/Strength Day
(1) Gymnastics “Pull” Focused Skill/Strength Day
(1) Optional Partner Workout Weekly
July Benchmarks
Straight 100
Cali Bear
4 New Benchmarks
Aluminum Recycling has arrived at CFD! Please put cans (and cans only) in the blue recycling bin by the front door.
Looking to Compete?
Here are some upcoming Competitions in our area!
July 23: Midwest Monster + Academy Games (MM or FF), St. John’s Northwestern Academy (use code CROSSFIT at checkout for 20% off registration!)
August 20: Big Wodowski part 4 (FF or MM) Bark River, Delafield
September 10: B3 (FFF) Redemption, Waukesha
September 10: Summer Grudge (teams MMFF or individual) Machine Lab CrossFit, Portage
October 1: Cooler by the Lake Clash (MMM or FFF) Brew City, Milwaukee
Monday: Power Snatch // “Fancy Nancy”
Tuesday: METCON
Wednesday: METCON (skill) // Barbell
Thursday: METCON partner
Friday: “MYMC 22.1” (new benchmark)
Saturday: Barbell // METCON (skill)
Sunday: OPEN GYM
Heidi Kilbourn
Gym Manager //USAW-L1 //CF-L1