Happy Monday Athletes!
There have been so many new faces at the gym lately, which is so exciting! We all remember what it was like to be the new face at the gym… make sure you take time to make the new members feel welcome by introducing yourself 🙂
Look for some new and returning challenges in our training program this week, including 18.2 and “Red Light, Green Light.”
Six weeks down for our 5/3/1 Strength Cycle, so make sure we continue to stick to those percentages and add the necessary weight. TRUST THE PROCESS, I can’t wait to see everyone’s hard work pay off during retest week!
June Strength Cycle
Week 6 (6/6-6/12) – 1×3 @70% – 80% – 90% (Add 5-10lbs)
Week 7 (6/13-6/19) – 1×5 @75% – 1×3 @85% – 1×1+ @95%
Week 8 (6/20-6/26) – 1×5 @40% – 1×5 @50% – 1×5 @60%
Week 9 (6/27-7/3) – Heavy 1-Rep Retests
Weightlifting classes are offered at CFD twice per week. Barbell class focuses on the two Olympic Lifts (Snatch and Clean and Jerk). Each hour-long class we break down the phases of the lifts with a goal of perfecting our technique through mobility, skill, and strength building. The best part, WEIGHTLIFTING IS FOR EVERYONE. If you haven’t tried a class yet, now is the time! Wednesdays 4:30 pm and Saturdays 8:00 am.
Clean Eatz
Clean Eatz are now available at CFD! Meals prepared with whole nutritious foods, available frozen to go! Check out the selection in the front desk freezer.
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Deadlift
Tuesday – Bench Press
Wednesday – Rope Climbs and Double Unders // Barbell
Thursday – Back Squat // 18.2
Friday – METCON
Saturday – Barbell // “Red Light, Green Light” // Partner Option
Sunday – Open Gym