As we put March in the rear-view mirror and start to turn our focus towards April, let’s take a look at where we were and where we’re headed.
During the month of March, we tackled weekly Pull-Up work, finished out the CF Open with a bang, and got to dive into Leading Ladies week!
Leading Ladies week brought 3 new NCFIT-specific workouts, 2 remixed workouts of old classics, and 2 tried and true classic female workouts all in one week!
Overall, March was a sort of “prep month” to transition us into our next macro-cycle: Build.
The next 3 months are going to be centered around building a STRONG base both with our classic strength movements but also with our strict gymnastics movements. We start this cycle off with 5 weeks of tempo for the Back Squat/ Deadlift/ Strict Press.
This is NOT meant to be excessively heavy; it is there to reinforce position and prime everyone for our 6-week Wendler cycle that is coming next month! Until then, we are in the “slow and steady” mentality during our lifting sessions.
Working strict gymnastics, specifically the Push-Up/ Handstand Push-Up/ Pull-Up/ Ring Muscle-Up, will be another primary focus this month and next month. By developing strength in these movements, the kipping variations will improve AND we are helping ensure our bodies stay healthy/ can hold up to kipping movements.
Our final focus is going to be our Aerobic Capacity conditioning efforts. This will take shape with 15:00-18:00 workouts (plenty of AMRAPs/ EMOMs/ Chippers) that sit somewhere b/t RPE 7-8. The idea is to build your engine and the best way to do that is to KEEP MOVING during conditioning pieces. Those heavy days or sprint-style workouts are still going to be sticking around but the overall focus is finding your 70-80% and trying to improve it!
Tempo Cycle (3/27-4/30)
- Week 1 (3/27-4/2)
- Back Squat/ Deadlift/ Strict Press 3×8 (31X1)
- Week 2 (4/3-4/9)
- Back Squat/ Deadlift/ Strict Press 3×6 (21X1)
- Week 3 (4/10-4/16)
- Back Squat/ Deadlift/ Strict Press 3×4 (11X1)
- Week 4 (4/17-4/23)
- Back Squat/ Deadlift/ Strict Press 3×2 (11X1)
- Week 5 (4/24-4/30)
- Deload Week
Workout Weekly April Commitments
- (1) Deadlift/ Squat/ Press Day
- (2) Strict Gymnastics Strength Day
- (2-3) Mod-Long Workouts
April showers may bring May flowers but over here at CFD we say April strains bring May gainz! 😉 lolololol….
Hope you have a great week CFD!!!
This years event will be held on May 6th. Make sure to block off your calendar. You’re sure to not want to miss this event!
Registration is open!!! Pull together your team and get signed up now!
Tough Mudder
We will run the Tough Mudder as a CFD team on May 13th. If you want to be on a team, simply bring $90 cash to CFD and let a Coach know. We’ll email you the registration link. This will be an awesome community event and we’re really looking forward to it!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – METCON
Tuesday – Deads and Cleans
Wednesday – Strict Press
Thursday – METCON
Friday – BSQT
Saturday – Rowing METCON
Sunday – Open Gym