Well, we hope everyone enjoyed this year’s CrossFit Open. Please remember to post your scores and complete any team extra point events so we can crown this year’s much coveted OPEN CUP WINNING TEAM!
Don’t forget that we will be having a small social this Friday after classes. Bring you best Old Fashioned recipe and come hang out with other awesome CFD members. Bench racing and epic tales of the open are highly encouraged. We’ll announce the winner of the 2023 Open Cup that night.
As we wrap up the Open season, I want to encourage everyone to take a moment and really reflect on the season. Think about the time that you spent, what you learned, and how you can improve. While I ask you to think about areas of improvement, please make sure to not only think about the negative. This is sometimes easy to do. We concentrate on what we did wrong, we feel bad about where we are, and we get upset about our personal situation. I beg you to please keep it positive and keep it balanced. Also, don’t just think about the workouts themselves. Think about the entire situation, the event, the experience. How did you react in EVERY situation?
Here are some example questions to spur some creative thinking:
- What movements did I do well at? What movements do I need to work on?
- Take this one level deeper by asking yourself why several times here. Why did you do well/poor? Do you need more mobility, strength, technique, do you listen to Coach to improve or just laugh and say ‘maybe one day I’ll fix blank’?
- What modalities (time domain, short sprint or long grind) did I do well at? What modalities do I need to work on?
- Take this one level deeper by asking yourself why several times here. Actually, get at why did you do well/poor? Do you have issues with the pain associated with breathing hard? Do you need to work on the mental fortitude that comes with the grind over time? What actually is holding you back?
- How was your attitude?
- Did you get upset when your friend beat you? If so, why? I encourage you to really spend some time with this question. Did you celebrate how awesome the people you workout with are? Did you lift them up when they were down or did you go into your basement and wish for them to fail. Was your goal with these workouts to do the best that YOU can do or was it to beat someone else? This, people is SO VERY POWERFUL!!! Competition is a great thing and it can help you reach to new heights. Heights that you never in your wildest even thought were possible. We should never let it control us however. We cannot let it bring out the worst in us. Slow down and read this bullet again and really pause and think about it. Are you happy with your attitude? If not, let’s get to work and fix it. Let’s work together, really dig down into the why, and make real impactful life changes.
- How was your virtuosity? (virtuosity = doing the common uncommonly well)
- When you did your reps did you skirt the line of good? Did you make it hard on your judge? Could you do what was being asked but you would have needed to slow down a bit so you just went full send anyway and let your judge determine your fate. When you were judging, it was hard wasn’t it. You got a feel for what we coaches deal with all the time… You don’t want to be mean but hey, you’ve got a job to do. Think about this and tank a Coach. 😉
- If you redid any of the workouts… how did that go?
- Ask yourself why. Why did you redo the workout? What was the real motivation? Did you just mess up your strategy or was there another reason? What did you learn by comparing your two (or more) performances? Who were you trying to beat…? There is A LOT of power in stopping and thinking about this. If you did better, celebrate how awesome you are. How quickly you were able to pivot, learn, and come back stronger. But once again, ask yourself why. Is there something that you can apply to your future workouts and how you approach them to possibly eliminate the need to redo in the future?
I could go on and on about this. For now thought, I’m just going to ask you one more time to take a moment and reflect on how you did over these last three week. Think about every aspect of it and really dig down to the why. What you learn about yourself may amaze you. 🙂
Before I leave this topic, I want to make sure to remind you that us Coaches are here for you in every way. If anyone wants to set down and chat through their Open performance and set some goals, we’re more than happy to do so. Just drop us a line and we’ll find a time to connect. My encouragement, here… let’s do it while the experience is still fresh.
I’m going to wrap this up by sharing something I ran across the other day. Why, because I just really liked this one.
5 things that you can learn from the Open…
- Celebrating what your body can DO, is awesome.
- Warm ups & cool downs are underrated.
- Comparison is the thief of joy. Read that again.
- Doing seemingly HARD things together, makes them feel EASY.
- Cheating isn’t cool.
Ok CFD. That’s it. I hope you all had a great 2023 CrossFit Open. I hope you all learned at least a few things and are ready to start training for next year.
Let go get to work CFD!!!
This years event will be held on May 6th. Make sure to block off your calendar. You’re sure to not want to miss this event!
Now that The CrossFit Open is over, we will be dropping this soon. Keep an eye out!!!
Tough Mudder
We will run the Tough Mudder as a CFD team on May 13th. If you want to be on a team, simply bring $90 cash to CFD and let a Coach know. We’ll email you the registration link. This will be an awesome community event and we’re really looking forward to it!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Over Head Pressing, METCON
Tuesday – Pull-Up Work, METCON
Wednesday – Deadlift
Thursday – METCON
Friday – Front Squat, “Wave Runner”
Saturday – Power Snatch
Sunday – Open Gym