Only four weeks to the CrossFit Open. There is more info at the gym but now is the time to get signed up. What are you waiting for!?!?
Other than that… this week looks like a solid week of work. Lots of fun stuff and quad burn headed your way CFD! 😉
The Open
The CrossFit Open will be held this year from February 16th through March 6th. We will split up into teams and have the time of our lives once again. For now, all you need to do is mark your calendars and be ready for a fun time!
This years event will be held on May 6th. Make sure to block off your calendar. You’re sure to not want to miss this event!
Tough Mudder
We will run the Tough Mudder as a CFD team on May 13th. If you want to be on a team, simply bring $90 cash to CFD and let a Coach know. We’ll email you the registration link. This will be an awesome community event and we’re really looking forward to it!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Power Clean “Elizabeth”
Tuesday – OHS “The Quadfather”
Wednesday – Deadlift
Thursday – Muscle Up Practice then METCON
Friday – Power Snatch
Saturday – METCON
Sunday – Open Gym