Hello everyone! Now is the time of the year when I like to remind everyone of our rules. Like I tell every on-ramper, we started a business, then some things happened, so we needed to set some rules in place. These are worth going over every year and taking a close look. Why you might ask…? Well, that’s the simple one! Like everything we do, we put these in place to help you and provide the best overall experience for everyone at CFD. So, without any further ado, let’s start are deep dive journey together!
- Leave your ego at the door. CrossFit is humbling to everyone, aim for progression not perfection! Trying to be perfect and better than everyone will leave you frustrated and in tears.
This first DO is the best, most concise, advise we can give to any member. Taking that one step further, it’s the best advise we could give to anyone starting anything new. I talk about the training mindset quite often and this is it. We should look at every day as an opportunity to train, to work on our weak areas and focus on us. When we concentrate on scores more than quality of movement, we start cutting corners and do not get the growth and development that we are after. We need to realize that if it’s our first day or five-hundredth day we are no better than anyone else and we are all a work in progress. Find your weak areas and work on the. Oh, and don’t forget to support others around you while you’re at it. What may be simple for you, is quite likely a lifetime accomplishment for someone else. Build them up, and don’t envy their win when it comes. Even if you have not had a win in a while. Honor them for the hard work and dedication that they put in to achieve it. This is an easy thing to say but a hard thing to do. Let’s all work on improving this in 2023. When we do so, we’ll all be better. Thank you!
- Come to class on time. There is lots of information in chalk-talk, you don’t want to miss it.
This is simple, it’s a respect thing. Not only for our Coaches but also for everyone else in class. We expect our Coaches to be prepared for every class and they do a great job of this. Chalk talk is not just us Coaches burning air for the sake of it. It’s our Coach trying to set up athletes for success that day and over time. This is the first step in meeting every athlete at their level. When someone shows up late and we need to re-hash our chalk talk, this slows down the entire class and takes time away from other athletes. Let’s show respect for everyone’s time and get the most out of every class by showing up on time. Thank you!
- Clean up after yourself. This includes equipment, personal belongings, drink bottles, chalk dust, sweat, blood, germs and other DNA.
Another simple one here and I feel it speaks to itself. The only color I would like to add is that this should apply to timeliness of your clean-up efforts as well. As a whole I feel we do a very good job with this. The one area where I feel we can improve is at the end of the workout. I often see equipment laying around while we reminisce about what we all just partook in. We tell stories, we laugh together, we analyze strategies, and reflect on decisions. All while the other class is getting started. The next class is tripping over debris and equipment of all different kinds. They are trying to settle into what can sometimes be a-likened to a spent battlefield. Confusion arises. Questions of, where can I workout? What spot is available? What the heck happened here!? Is this CrossFit or did someone just walk around throwing buckets of water on witches! Pools of sweat and clothing laying everywhere!!! Ok, ok, ok… I’m getting carried away now but I think you get it. Get in on time and get out on time. Do your part to clean up after yourself and prepare the work area for the next person coming in after you. Thank you!
- Control the bar to waste height when dropping.
If you can’t control the bar to at least waste height, there is too much weight on the bar. That simple. Trust me, I love slamming weights just as much as the next person, but I do not abuse the equipment and neither should you. Hands stay on the bar until at least waste height at all times. You are always in charge of your equipment. See the third DO NOT bullet below. 😉 Thank you!
- Carry barbells upright (parallel to your body) when putting away or taking out.
This is a simple best practice and just helps avoid accidentally banging into things. It also makes setup and pickup times less congested since you’re more compact while carrying the barbells this way. Thanks for your help here!
Now onto the DO NOT’s….
- CHEAT! No one cares if you finish first or you finish last, but everyone will be mad if you cheat. Be honest with your fellow athletes and with yourself. This attitude drives progress. Trust the process and put in the work. After all it’s YOUR fitness.
I’m gonna write this big because it’s oh so important. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR SCORE. EVERYONE CARES IF YOU CHEAT. That’s it people. That’s as simple as I can brake is down. Much like the first DO rule above, we cannot stress the importance of this. This rule speaks so much to character and how you do everything in your life. In CrossFit we call the virtuosity, doing the common stuff uncommonly well. Don’t get me wrong people. I’m human to. I make mistakes as well. To be 100% honest I likely have made more than an average amount of mistakes. I fail often, hard, and fast. I truly feel this is why I have much of the success that I do. Because I’ve fallen down. A LOT! Let’s just say I’ve had a lot of learning opportunities in my life. 😉
I used to lie. Not a crazy amount but let’s just say that the average little white lie did not bother me in the slightest. Well, that changed for me several years ago. Actually, right around the time that I started CrossFit. You see, I came to the realization that one lie leads to another. Then where do you draw the line? This is an easy out. You see, for me lying not only disrespects the person that’s getting lied to but it also disrespects me. If I feel the need to lie, then I need to do more work to fix the real reason of why there is a disconnect. Why do expectations and reality not line up?
May you cheat in CrossFit by not doing all the work. Maybe you short the range of motion. Maybe it’s something else. No matter what, it will not help you reach where you want to be. Let’s just realize that where you are currently at is fine. Nothing at all wrong with that. Only by putting in the work will you ever get to where you want to be. If you cheat reps at CFD then where else are you willing to cheat yourself in life? This is not way to live. Be honest. All the time. In all that you do. If people have an issue with the truth, then that’s on them. Hold your head high and be proud, knowing that you put in the work, and you deserve to be right where you are.
I hope this has helped inspire each and every one of you to be the best possible version of yourself. We are a rare breed. We are hard-working and honest. In all we do. Thank you all!
- Put your equipment away until everyone is finished with the WOD! CHEER THEM ON! Help them finish!
This is one of the simplest things that you can do as an athlete to help others in your community. Everyone wins and loses together. At all times. Be a leader and support each other. Thank you!
- Allow any of your equipment to go careening across the floor at any time. You are ALWAYS responsible for your equipment. Your equipment should always be under control.
Are you starting to see a theme here? We’ve had some issues with equipment abuse… Don’t be part of the statistic. Everyone likes having and using nice things. This is not only for the longevity of our equipment but also to provide a safe environment for everyone at CFD. Thank you!
- Drop kettlebells or dumbbells onto the plyo boxes. Preferred resting spot for them is the floor. If you can’t set them down gently mid WOD then modify the weight to allow control of equipment.
Same theme as the last one. Plyo boxes are just that. They are made for jumping on. They are not dumbbell or kettlebell racks. Besides that. Taking equipment from the floor instead of an elevated height is a better workout. Win-win! Right! 🙂 Thanks for your understanding.
- Drag plyo boxes. Carry them or use a dolly.
This just wreaks the boxes and the flooring in the gym. Either get an extra mini workout by carrying the boxes or use a dolly. The choice is yours. Simply, please don’t drag or push them around. We have sleds for that. 🙂 Thank you!
- Drop a bar loaded with either 10’s or 15’s alone.
For safety, the rule is to not ever drop with 10’s or 15’s alone on a barbell. These plates are thin and doing so allows the barbells to hop sideways creating a safety concern. Thanks for your help in this area!
- Carry wallballs by the seam stitching.
Does not get much simpler than this. Just don’t do it please and thank you!
- Wear lifting shoes while climbing ropes.
Not only are the ropes expensive but so are your weightlifting shoes. Let’s just not do this for both our sakes. Thanks!
- Punch, kick, body slam or otherwise act out involving yourself and/or the equipment. This is just dumb.
Yes, this is a real rule and was created from something that really happened. Also yes, this is just dumb. It’s just a workout. Control yourself. We love the intensity but unbridled passion can lead to some awkward situations. This is a basic social expectation. Take a walk, cool down, and learn how to address whatever set you off. We told you this would be more than just another workout. 😉 Thank you!
- NEVER drop an empty bar!
Oh, I’m sure you’ve got it by now! Treat it as if you owned it! 🙂 Thank you!!!
- NEVER drop kettlebells or dumbbells.
Same as last. Thanks!
- Remember kids and dogs are NOT allowed in the workout area while class is in session.
- Kids are not allowed to play with or on any equipment.
You all know it… we love kids and pets. We even have some ourselves! However, if coming to CFD with you they are still your responsibility. We are a fitness center. Not a daycare. You all have been doing great here but if for completeness’ sake alone. Let’s make sure we keep doing awesome. Thank you!
And with that I’ll conclude our deep dive looking into the rules of CrossFit Develop.
CFD… You’re awesome! Let’s hold ourselves to a higher standard. Keep crushing life and propping each other up. Let’s keep being awesome!!!
From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU all so very much for your help with all the above.
Oly Cycle (1/2-2/19)
- Week 2 (1/9-1/15)
- 10-8-6-10-8-6 Hang Power Snatch
- Hang Power Clean + Jerk Skill/ Position
- 8-8-8-8 Deadlift
- Back Squat
- Week 3 (1/16-1/22)
- 8-6-4-8-6-4 Power Clean
- Power Snatch Skill/ Position
- 6-6-6-6 Deadlift
- Front Squat
- Week 4 (1/23-1/29)
- 8-6-4-8-6-4 Power Snatch
- Power Clean Skill/ Position
- 6-6-6-6 Deadlift
- Overhead Squat
- Week 5 (1/30-2/5)
- TNG Power Clean + Jerk
- TNG Power Snatch
- 4-4-4-4 Deadlift
- Back Squat
- Week 6 (2/6-2/12)
- 1 Rep Power Clean
- Power Snatch Skill/ Position
- 4-4-4-4 Deadlift
- Front Squat
- Week 7 (2/13-2/19)
- 1 Rep Power Snatch
- Deload for CF Open
Here we go CFD! Let’s hit it!!!
Holiday Lifestyle Challange Winners
First place goes to Melissa V.
Second place goes to Brett K.
Third place goes to Tony S.
Great work everyone! The top three had a combined loss of 15.6 pounds and 7 inches! You all amaze us!!! Good work!
6-Week Challange
The 6-week challenge starts today! If you missed the first class, reach out. There’s still time to get signed up!
The Open
The CrossFit Open will be held this year from February 16th through March 6th. We will split up into teams and have the time of our lives once again. For now, all you need to do is mark your calendars and be ready for a fun time!
This years event will be held on May 6th. Make sure to block off your calendar. You’re sure to not want to miss this event!
Tough Mudder
We will run the Tough Mudder as a CFD team on May 13th. If you want to be on a team, simply bring $90 cash to CFD and let a Coach know. We’ll email you the registration link. This will be an awesome community event and we’re really looking forward to it!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – BSQT
Tuesday – Hang Power Snatch
Wednesday – Ring MU Practice Day
Thursday – All the squatting and METCON’s
Friday – Hang Power Clean
Saturday – Deadlift
Sunday – Open Gym