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Week of 3/9/25

Happy Sunday, CFD! Who's excited for some 60-degree weather on Monday? :) We're in the home stretch, warmer days are coming! Amazing work this week on 25.2! We saw a lot of grit and determination on a workout that felt a bit harder than expected. We also saw progress on doubles, pull-ups and bar muscle-ups. Let this be a great reminder to you all — you ARE capable of more than you think! If you've been one to shy away from doubles in workouts but you pushed through them in the Open WOD, it's time to start doing them in

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Week of 2/16/2025

We hope you all had a great Valentine's Day weekend with those you love! It's important to take some time to rest, reset and spend time with your family. If we're not off to sporting events on Saturday mornings, I'm almost always sleeping in and spending some downtime with my family. It's amazing how good you feel after a couple extra hours of sleep. Pick a day or two every week and do this for yourself! Prioritizing your health is about far more than working out. Have you registered for the CrossFit Open yet? I was watching a video CrossFit

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Week of 2/9/2025

Happy Sunday, CFD! I hope you all had the best weekend. Who's excited to get back into the gym tomorrow? I know I always look forward to Monday mornings and getting back to my routine after a busy weekend. Don't forget: Registration for the CrossFit Open is here! (Click here.) We're also offering CrossFit Develop Open t-shirts this year. Sign up at the gym! They look super cool. Do you have any specific goals for this year's Open? Talk to a coach and let us know! We love to hold people accountable and cheer them on. Once you tell someone

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Week of 2/2/2025

Those warmer temps and sunshine this past week were a great break from the Wisconsin winter norm! Be sure to take advantage of these days and head outside for some Vitamin D and a mood boost. Winters can be long and hard around here! Time outside, and of course time spent at CFD, will get you through this season. :) Exercise is one of the best ways to fight seasonal blues. How did the Mayhem January Challenge go? Did you work on or accomplish any goals you set for yourself? How about intentional family time, or time spent with your

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Week of 1/12/2025

What a great week, CFD! Classes are high on energy lately as we all work our way back into our routines after the holidays. January can be a tough month in Wisconsin — come join your CFD community and squash those seasonal blues. Stick to your routines both inside the gym and at home — consistency breeds results! We're seeing strict work, pause bench press and back squats, and dead-stop training in our programming lately — remember one of the key phrases in the definition of CrossFit is "constantly varied." CrossFit workouts are always changing, with a variety of exercises,

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