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Journeys with CrossFit Develop

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What is Fitness?

Fitness, most broadly defined, is the ability to handle the demands of your life.

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Week of 8/22/2021

IT'S 1RM WEEK!!!  Nine weeks later we are finally here!  Time to hit those new one rep maxes!  The energy will be high in classes, and you will get to showcase all of the hard work that you have been putting in.  I for one can't wait to see what you all are capable of.  Please remember to listen to your body.  Just because a 1RM is programmed does not mean that today is your day to hit one.  There are many factors in play.  If you have been on vacation, stressed, not sleeping well, or not eating well all

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Week of 8/15/2021

Here we are... finally at the end of our strength cycle.  This week is de-load then next week we'll all push the weight and hopefully hit new 1RM's.  This is when I send out a friendly reminder that de-loading is VERY improtant.  Please even if the weights feel light stick to the program.  Hit your numbers than give the extra effort in the WOD.  You'll get to show off soon enough and hit those heavy weights.  Next week will be here before you know it. Let's get ready CFD!!Here's what's left of our strength cycle:July/Aug Wendler CycleWeek 8 of 9

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Week of 8/6/2021

Not much going on this week besides a great week of training.  August is going to be a HEAVY month, pun intended, as we come to the end of our strength cycle and continue to go short with our workouts.  Oh, and going heavy would not feel quite right without the reappearance of Cali-Bear!  Oh, yeah.  We have that to look forward to this month.  Keep taking your recovery seriously and moving with good form.  This strength cycle is starting to feel a little bit repetitive but the benefits will show in every WOD for the rest of this year. 

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Week of 8/1/2021

........................................................................................................................... Can you feel it?  Summer is starting to come to an end.  Kids will be back in school soon and we will once again be readjusting to a new schedule.  You've all heard me say it several times but please make sure to keep prioritizing your health and well-being.  As they say, "you cannot pour from an empty cup".  If you need any help with motivation or maybe just a friendly ear to bend, please reach out to a coach.  We're here for you guys. One other thing I'd like to mention is that the CrossFit Games have come

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Week of 7/25/2021

Please make sure to read the email that was sent out in regards to some policy changes at CFD.  If you have any questions, please reach out. Barbell is now offered on Sunday mornings as well as Saturdays and Open Gym has been moved to 10-noon on Sundays. Other than that, we are halfway through our strength cycle and hitting some baseline testing.  This is a big week CFD!  Lot's of exciting workouts and weights are starting to get heavy. Have fun with it CFD!Here's what's left of our strength cycle:July/Aug Wendler CycleWeek 5 of 9 (7/26) - 3x5 (Increase Training

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Week of 7/18/2021

So... I've had something rumbling around in my head for several weeks now.  The issue is I was not sure exactually how to bring it up or talk about it.  Well after traveling this last week for work once again, I finally feel ready.  You see... I'm...  well... different.  There really is no other way to say it than that.  I'm different.  That's all.  I'm just a different type of person.  I'm not like most people and quite frankly I'm ok with that.  When others go out for drinks, I go and workout.  When they watch TV shows on the

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Week of 7/11/2021

Hope everyone is enjoying the strength cycle so far.  Everyone is looking good and starting to get very comfortable with moving their weights.  You are all doing a great job, but I'd like to put out a friendly reminder to prioritize form over all else.  We all have off days and as we start to crank up our weights, please remember if you're having an off day and not moving well don't push it at the expense of form.  Just because the program is stating you need to hit a certain weight that day it may not be right for

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Week of 7/4/2021

Well, the strength cycle is off to a great start.  We had plenty of PR's last week and I for one can't wait to see how much everyone grows over the next eight weeks.   This is when I like to make a friendly reminder to pay close attention to your body over this cycle.  If you want to get the most out of it, you need to make sure to fuel it correctly and recover.  If you need any help with advice or suggestions, please reach out to a coach. Other than that enjoy your week!Here's what's left of our strength

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Week of 6/27/2021

First of all a big THANK YOU for all the kind words over the past week.  I was truly humbled by how many people reached out and congratulated us on our 3-year anniversary.  It felt truly amazing.  Like I've been saying all along.  YOU ALL are what makes CFD great.  Keep being awesome and thank you!!! Now regarding what is coming up this week... GET INTO THE GYM THIS WEEK!!!  We will be kicking off our next strength cycle starting this week and will be establishing your baseline numbers that we will be using for the next nine weeks.  You read

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Week of June 20, 2021

3 YEARS!  No really... 3 YEARS OF CHANGING PEOPLES LIVES!!!  Wow.  Just WOW!  On the 23rd of this week we will have been in business for 3 years and all we can say is WOW!  Thank you to everyone who has believed in us and helped us along the way.  To all of the great people we have met throughout the years.  Keep being awesome!  We are truly humbled by what we have learned, what we have been able to do, and what support we have gotten along the way.  YOU ALL are what makes CFD great! Regarding the programming

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