Week of 3/2/2025

25.1 is in the books! What a fun workout. (In a not-so-fun kind of way lol.) Thank you for bringing the energy, CFD! Take a little time to reflect on how the workout went for you. What are you proud of, and what could you possibly improve on? These Open workouts should be just like every other workout you do at CFD — clean reps, moving with intensity, holding to the standards, accepting no reps (feedback) from your coach, being honest with yourself, and growing together. Your score on any workout should be exactly the same whether you’re doing the workout alone by yourself in an empty gym, or whether Chris is standing next to you counting and judging your reps. (Let’s see if he sees that comment.) 😉 Dig deep, find motivation and virtuosity on your own, and everything else will fall into place. I’m excited to see what 25.2 will be — I’m guessing it might be the repeat workout they’ve warned us is coming! (At least we know we’re done with burpees.) 🙂

Beginning this week, we will have an additional Barbell class at 5:30 p.m. Monday! We will also have an additional CrossFit class at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday! Come join Coach Colin Monday evening and see how you feel doing Barbell in the evening – it’d be another great opportunity to get your CrossFit class in first and then do Barbell. Let us know how you like the addition, we can’t wait to offer this!

Did you all see the exciting news on our social media this weekend? CFD member Sarah Darmody is becoming a CFD coach! We are so excited to welcome her to our coaching team. She is currently shadowing Chris and Kelly, and she’ll officially begin coaching in the next month or two! Check out our Instagram or Facebook for more details and a little background on Sarah. If you’re not on social media (Adam Tittman), just tell Sarah CONGRATS in person. 🙂

Let’s get to this week’s programming …

Starting Monday, we have an up-tempo multiple-set triplet focused on upper body endurance and consistency. On Tuesday, it will be another all-core attack where members must manage fatigue early to endure until the end. (Modify accordingly with this one, so your core is not sore for Friday’s Open WOD.) Wednesday looks super fun — it will be a challenge and a test of grit as we navigate through moderate calories on the bike with quick 3-round couplets to mix it up. As we approach Thursday, we will ease off a bit with some lunges and strict pull-ups (yeeees to strict work). For Friday, it’s all gas and no brakes for 25.2! Saturday’s partner workout involves teaming up for a push-pace effort on the bike with a strategic grind through sandbag squats.

Have the best week!

Here are the workouts of the week:

Monday – Shoulder press (1×3) and row/DUs/bench

Tuesday – Deadlift (1×3) and core/box jump overs

Wednesday – Bike/barbell/wall walks and ring muscle up skill work

Thursday – Squat clean + push jerk and lunges/sled push/strict pull-ups

Friday – 25.2 … you’re ready!

Saturday – Partner workout! (Bike/run and sandbag work)

Sunday – Open Gym