Sober October is coming to a close — for those who participated, let us know how it went. 🙂 Did you take anything away from it, or was it a terrible idea? 😉 Both answers are fair. We hope it may have helped some of you in one way or another. Personal growth is always the goal. Check back on our social media if you missed a couple members’ personal experiences. Onto November’s challenge soon … any guesses what it will be?
We wanted to extend a warm welcome to the new members who are joining our gym after Bring a Friend Week — we are so excited to have you here with us, growing together on your fitness journeys. Thank you to our current members who’ve welcomed them with open arms! We’re doing great things at CFD, and it’s because of all of you.
Let’s get into our programming this week. It’s Halloween Week! On Monday, we start with another multiple set, 3-rounder, where pacing needs to be aggressive through this leg grinder. Tuesday’s workout has us working through moderate biking and some high-skilled gymnastics. We are starting an 8-week progression on wall balls and burpee box jumpovers for Wednesday. We will have a workout involving these two or similar movements to help athletes build their engines and capacity going into the new year. Thursday is Halloween, and we have a simple but effective workout that still gets us out of breath, but is also an excellent active recovery for the week. Friday is our chipper couplet workout about the grip and grit. The partner workout for Saturday will be an upper-body challenge for athletes to navigate while avoiding muscle failure.
Don’t forget about our Chad Prep — leading up to Veteran’s Day, we’ll be doing a step-up challenge to train and prepare for the Hero workout “Chad,” which will be programmed on Nov. 11. “Chad” is 1,000 box step-ups for time, using a 20-inch box, wearing a 45/35 pound ruck pack/vest. Grab a friend and get some step-ups in this week! Your calves and shins will thank you after Veteran’s Day.
Enjoy this beautiful fall weather!
Here are the workouts of the week:
Monday – Back squat (4×4) and lunges/double unders
Tuesday – Pull-up/C2B practice and METCON
Wednesday – Snatch (1×3) and 15-min AMRAP
Thursday – Deadlift (4×4) and run/sit-ups
Friday – BMU skill work and rowing METCON
Saturday – Partner WOD! (Bike, HSPU and bench!)
Sunday – Open Gym