Week of 9/8/2024

How did the first week of our new programming go, CFD? Please talk to us and let us know your thoughts. 🙂 We are here for you! As with any change, there will be an adjustment period, but we truly feel this will be a great shift for CFD moving forward!

I wanted to touch quickly on the programming you’ll see in Wodify on Sundays. There will be two workout options that you can view and choose to complete at Open Gym. I think this is perfect for those who might want to get a Sunday morning workout in, but you’re not quite sure what to do. Open up your Wodify app and you’ll have a couple options laid out for you. I’ll describe the two options below …

Option 1: Monostructural workout. Monostructural movements are also known as cardio and are a modality in CrossFit workouts. Monostructural movements can help improve cardio capacity and stamina. Please adjust/scale as volume can be a little excessive for athletes training 5+ days/week.

Option 2: Aerobic Capacity Recovery workout designed for athletes to get a good “sweat in” or “active recovery” type day. This will generally be an Erg/Running workout.

I absolutely love that these options are available to our members — please ask a coach if you have any questions on the workout, if you need a timer started for you at Open Gym, or if you’d like any of us to join you!

We had several CFD members participate in the 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at Lambeau Field on Saturday. Check out our social media for some photos. Thank you to Brett Krueger and Reliant Fire for organizing this event with our members! As we head into a partner tribute workout on Wednesday, remember to give full effort and respect for those who lost their lives 23 years ago. Our workout will be “343,” written in honor of the 343 firefighters who lost their lives on 9/11/2001 in New York City.

Here are the workouts of the week:

Monday – Deadlift (1×5) and “Full House” (Snatches and C2B)

Tuesday – Strict HSPU skill work and “How Rude!” (DUs, goblet squats, GHD)

Wednesday – “343” (9/11 tribute partner WOD)

Thursday – Back squat (1×5) and “You got it, Dude!” (Wall balls, TTB, run)

Friday – Power clean and push jerk (10×3) and “Have Mercy!” (DB work)

Saturday – “The Tanners” (Partner cardio WOD)

Sunday – Open Gym (see above for workout options)