Week of 7/28/2024

It’s the last week of July! We have two Hero WODs this week, “DT” on Monday and “Loredo” on Saturday. I know we’ve done DT several times through the years — looking at Wodify, I have 6 scores recorded. Take a look at your past notes and go into this workout with a plan. A time of less than 10 minutes is where top performers will be. Are your past times under 9 minutes? Maybe it’s time to go just a bit heavier? This workout is all about cycling the barbell quickly and smart, fast transitions. We’ll chat more about that on Monday. 😉

If anyone would like to join in, a few of us are going to do the Impossible Mile this week Tuesday at 5:15 a.m. (Regular CF class is still happening at 5:15 of course!) We’ll meet at CFD at 5:15 and then walk on over to the high school track. Everyone is invited. It’s one lap of burpee broad jumps, one lap of walking lunges, one lap of bear crawls and one lap of running. (We’re running the final lap backwards because why not.) This will be my (Coach Katie) last workout before my surgeries begin the next day — nothing is impossible with good people by your side. 🙂 I will miss you all very much when I’m gone, but the physical and mental strength I’ve gained from CFD will help me see this challenge to the other side. I expect all of you to push yourselves to your next levels while I’m away, be extra kind to each other and not skip those running days. 😉

Our next holiday workout will be Labor Day! This is always a fun way to wrap up our summers and get back into our fall routines. I know lots of our members have family vacations this time of year — enjoy the time away with your family, that’s irreplaceable! Hop back into your routine once you return. The first day back will be the hardest, but you’ll feel so much better when you get back to it.

Be sure to check out Coach Amanda’s feature on our social media this past week — she is number 4 in our series, “What does a coach eat in a day?” Amanda gives really helpful insight on how to eat healthy when you’re constantly on the run. (Hint … she has 7 minutes every day to eat her lunch with 23 first graders. If she can do it, so can you!)

Here are the workouts of the week:

Monday – Clean and jerk (5×1) and “DT”

Tuesday – 15-min AMRAP (run, TTB, rope climbs)

Wednesday – Back Squat (5×3) and METCON

Thursday – 24-min EMOM (row, burpees)

Friday – Snatch (5×1) and METCON

Saturday – “Loredo”

Sunday – Open Gym