Week of 7/7/2024

We hope you all had a great 4th of July weekend with your friends and family! Thank you to those who made it to our holiday WOD on Thursday. We love when our members bring in their significant others, friends or neighbors to try out a class and meet our community.

We have a few new members completing On Ramp and joining in on our regular classes — be sure to welcome those members with a smile and a hello! I was in Tomahawk this past weekend with my family at my parents’ cabin and I dropped into a new CrossFit gym in the Tomahawk area. It’s amazing what a friendly smile or some small conversation can do to help you feel welcome at a new gym. You have the opportunity to make CFD a great experience for anyone who walks through our doors — let’s continue to try to be the best part of someone’s day. 🙂

Our new strength cycle begins this week! This olympic lifting cycle will center around the snatch + clean & jerk, culminating in a 1 rep max test. This week will be an opportunity to build to something heavy that can be used to base percentages on for the remaining weeks.

From there, we will see triples, doubles and singles leading into a deload and a 1 rep max test! We will also see alternating weeks of back squats and deadlifts, but these are just supplemental lifts.

We have benchmark workout coming up on Saturday, “Filthy Fifty!” This is always a good push, showcasing some movements we don’t typically see. (Knees-to-elbows are always fun.)

Our CFD Lake Day is also coming up! On Saturday, July 20, we’ll be taking our boats out on Little Cedar and hanging at a sandbar. Stay tuned to CFD Members for more information! If you’re interested in joining in but you’re not on social media, talk to a coach for more details.

Have a great week, CFD!

Here are the workouts of the week:

Monday – Deadlifts and METCON

Tuesday – 20-min AMRAP

Wednesday – Snatches and METCON

Thursday – TABATA (TTB, pull-ups)

Friday – Clean and jerks, 12-min EMOM

Saturday – “Filthy Fifty”

Sunday – Open Gym