ONE REP!!! Well, that’s it. Just like that, 1RM week is here and gone. It was truly inspiring to see all of you push yourselves and I am in awe of all the PR’s that we had this week. You all truly amaze me. I know we say it all the time but… I can’t wait to see what you do next. Keep being awesome and congratulations.
Well as we put our strength cycle in our rear-view mirror and turn our gaze onward, let me break down what’s up next to challenge you all. After building some overall pure strength in our Wendler cycle, it’s time to put that power to work! This month we are going to be seeing some Heavy loading in workouts 2x per week making appearances in all types of formats, volume, and time domains…expect to see one of our Heavy NCFIT Benchmark workouts that will leave you saying, “WTF” (hint hint). The other side of the coin in terms of our focus for the month is getting gymnasty. While it has been fun getting barbell strong, it’s important to also become bodyweight strong. Nobody wants to be that person with a 500lb Deadlift and no Strict Pull-Up when you can have both! Our gymnastic focus is going to feature a deeper dive into all gymnastic movements from the bar to the rings and beyond beginning where we all could and should improve…strict! Coming off of the Wendler cycle in August, you will feel the strength transition from the barbell to the bodyweight gymnastic movements. As we move through the coming weeks, in our Strength and Skill sessions we will begin to transform the strict to more dynamic movements incorporating kipping skill work after building the requisite strict strength.
Here’s to September and cooler days ahead. Let’s go CFD!!!
Develop Within
That’s right all! Our internal competition is back! This year we will be holding Develop Within on October 2nd. It will be an individual competition with four divisions. Male/Female both Scaled and Rx. Block the date off in your calendars! You won’t want to miss this one!!! Behind the scenes things are really starting to come together for this one! ?
There will be more details to come but for now just set the date aside. We will have a minimum participant requirement for each division in order to make this event happen. We will once again be accepting a cash only entry in order to keep this event as cheap as possible for all of you. No matter what level you are at there will be some way you can participate in this great event. We will be in need of athletes, competitors, and judges. This is a great time to push your limits and understand what you are truly capable of in the comfort of your own gym and with your CFD family.
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – Deadlift
- Tuesday – METCON
- Wednesday – “RANNIE”
- Thursday – WOD
- Friday – Pick your Girl ? (Mary or Cindy)
- Saturday – Hang Power Clean
- Sunday – Open Gym