Welcome to OCTOBER CFD! Lots to cover in today’s blog!
🎃First and foremost, WELCOME COACH ZACK! I was able to sit down with CFD’s newest coach and see what he’s all about:
Heidi: Hey Zack! Welcome to the CFD coaching staff! Tell me a little about your background in coaching.
Zack: Thanks a ton. Well I’ve always done some form of “working out.” Whether it was football, or baseball or weighttraining, pick up basketball, anything. But in May of 2016 I found CrossFit at a local box. It was 100% go from there, I got more and more into it and figured out it was fantastic for staying and getting in shape. After a couple of years I decided to try to help people in their own CrossFit goals and got my L1 then proceeded to get my L2. I just love it, if I can help a person get 1% better at something.
H: Perfect. We are so excited to have you! Where did you grow up?
Z: Lived in Germantown my whole life until getting married and moving to Jackson. In between I went to Ripon College. And I’m super excited to be on board.
H: Ok, let’s do some rapid fire questions. Fave restaurant?
Z: Ohhh tough… Johnny Manhattan’s
H: Fave CF movement?
Z: Hmmm… hang squat clean
H: Fave candy?
Z: not a sweet tooth, but I guess regular starbursts for candy, reese’s peanut butter cups for chocolate.
H: Pets?
Z: German Shepard named Griffin, Pitbull/Mastiff named Tonka, and two cats
H: Kids?
Z: Camden 11, Emmy 10, and Charlie 8
H: Occupation outside of coaching?
Z: Paining cars at a body shop in the hood.
H: Funniest movie you’ve ever seen?
Z: Dumb and Dumber
H: Rate the following, favorite to least favorite: Grace, Murph, Annie, Amanda, Cali Bear
Z: Fave is Annie (that’s my sh*t), then Cali Bear (only done it once), then Murph (just because of the length), then Grace, last Amanda.
H: Finally, what’s one of your personal goals as a coach?
Z: Not sure if it’s a goal, per se, more of a desired outcome… I hope that through my guidance/pointers/personal tips and tricks I can help get an athlete their first (fill in the blank). It’s happened to me many times and it just makes you fell amazing helping people do sh*t they never thought they could!
H: Wonderful, thanks for chatting with me Zack! See you tomorrow at the gym 😉
🎃CROSSFIT KIDS RETURNS THIS WEEK! Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 pm ages 8-13.
September kicked off with a BANG testing 1-RM’s of the Front Squat, Clean & Jerk, and Snatch! This also marked the kick-off of our second Oly Cycle for 2022…all about dialing in positional work with lighter bars for the first half of this cycle.
Don’t worry – we are getting to the heavier stuff soon! We also retested the Filthy 50 and saw a new variation of Death Row with our latest Benchmark – Flatline. Let’s see what October has in store for us both for the second half of our cycle AND for any other focuses!
Let’s first touch on the second half of our Oly Cycle! Up until now we have kept things light, and worked different positions and the only below parallel we have touched is with the Front Squat. Well in the second half of this cycle that all changes! We now will take the position work we have practiced the past few weeks and implement them with heavier loads, and start to fold in the squat variation of both movements.
We will also see the rep scheme for the Front Squats decrease which means we should be getting heavier and heavier each week. While there are no percentages associated with these, I would recommend recording what you completed the week before, and try to start/ end heavier!
The end of the month will bring us a retest of all 3 lifts so get ready and get excited! Similar to last month the Oly Cycle is going to be the main driver this month so our other focuses are going to remain fairly similar. We will still see 1-2 Grind Workouts each week, a new named workout, and an optional partner workout.
We will also see a retest of Cloudkicker and California Lovin so we can get excited to see those barbell heavy workouts come back up! Get excited for a scary amount of gains coming at you this month! 🎃👻
NCMETCON Weekly October Commitments
(1-2) Grind Workouts
(1) Snatch Day
(1) Clean
(1) Jerk Day
(1) Front Squat Day
(1) Optional Partner Workout
NCMETCON September/October Olympic Lifting Cycle
WEEK 1 (9/5) ✔️
Heavy 1-Rep Snatch
Heavy 1-Rep Clean & Jerk
Front Squat (10-10-8)
WEEK 2 (9/12) ✔️
Hang Muscle Snatch + Hang Power Snatch
Hang Muscle Clean + Hang Power Clean
Drop Jerks
Front Squat (10-8-6)
WEEK 3 (9/19) ✔️
High Hang Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch
High Hang Power Clean + Hang Power Clean
Push Jerk + Split Jerk
Front Squat (8-6-6)
WEEK 4 (9/26) ✔️
Clean Deadlift + Clean Pull
Pausing Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull
Pausing Split Jerks
Front Squat (6-6-4)
WEEK 5 (10/3)
Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean
Split Jerks
Front Squat (6-4-4)
WEEK 6 (10/10)
Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch
Clean + Hang Squat Clean
Power Clean + Jerk
Front Squat (4-4-2)
WEEK 7 (10/17)
Clean & Jerk
Front Squat (4-2-2)
WEEK 8 (10/24)
WEEK 9 (10/31)
Heavy 1-Rep Snatch
Heavy 1-Rep Clean and Jerk
NCMETCON October Benchmarks
1-Rep Front Squat
1-Rep Clean & Jerk
1-Rep Snatch
1 New Named Benchmark Workout
California Dreamin (Remix of California Love)
CrossFit Kids is BACK! Beginning October 4, for ages 8-13. CFK will be offered Tuesdays from 6:30- 7:30 pm, and Open Gym will be offered to members during this time as well. Sign up on crossfitdevelop.com
Be respectful during chalk talk! Whether it is during your class or the following class, chalk talk is a crucial part of CFD classes. Be on time and be mindful of your volume.
HERO WOD Sunday’s during Open Gym (8-10 am). Open gym is staffed by a coach, but not “coached,” so come prepared to warm-up and workout on your own! Watch for the workout to be posted on the CFD Members Facebook page.
Looking to Compete?
Here are some upcoming Competitions in our area!
October 8: Rua Rumble (MMFF teams) CrossFit Rua, Frankfort, IL
October 22: Festivus (FF or MM or MF) novice, intermediate, or Masters 45+, Redemption, Waukesha
October 22: Brew City Open (weightlifting meet) individual, Brew City CrossFit, Milwaukee
October 29: Chi-Town Throwdown (Individual) Big Shoulders CrossFit, Elmhurst, IL
October 30: Chi-Town Throwdown (MMFF) Big Shoulders CrossFit, Elmhurst, IL
November 12: Graveyard Games (MMF) CrossFit Kenosha, Kenosha
Monday: Split Jerk (Effort)
Tuesday: Power and Hang Power Snatch (Effort)
Wednesday: Front Squat, Rope Climbs (Heavy) // Barbell (clean & jerk)
Thursday: Active Recovery Metcon (Grind)
Friday: Power and Hang Power Clean (Effort)
Saturday: Barbell (snatch) // Partner Metcon (Grind)
Sunday: OPEN GYM
Heidi Kilbourn
Gym Manager //USAW-L1 //CF-L1