This past Sunday the 23rd of June marked one year in business. We spent some time over the weekend just thinking about all that has changed in our lives over the past year. How CFD has grown and the many great people we have forged lasting relationships with over the last year. Here at CFD we love being able to help people improve their quality of life. We are very passionate in this endeavor and continually strive to improve. Yeah we’ve made mistakes along the way but we would not change a thing. We learn and grow from them. Just as we ask of all of you when you miss a lift or otherwise fail in the gym. Pick it up, lets make a change, learn from it and get back to work. With all the twists and turns we’ve had, the goal remains the same. To help people improve their quality of life and provide the best possible member experience every time. Thank you for a great year! Here’s to many, many more!
You may have heard rumors about some big changes coming… well they’re here. What is it you ask? The workouts that we do and the class formats will now follow NorCal Fitness. Some of you may recognize this name as a major player in the world of CrossFit. If you don’t just please trust me that I’ve deliberated over this for quite some time. I’ve done my homework, tested, trialed, read countless reviews, and educated myself. I believe this change to be the best for all of us in the CFD community and it will help to better serve all of you. Having an even greater impact on peoples quality of lives. Now with that said here’s what you can do. Give us some feedback. Let us know what you think. Nothing is set in stone and we are more than willing to keep improving together. So lets try this out for a few weeks and go from there.
Here are some more details about what all this change means:
- Make sure you are using the Wodify app (RESERVE your spot in class, SIGN IN at class and LOG your results!) We now have a digital whiteboard!
- Workouts will be posted at midnight day of, but no cherry-picking! 🙂
- Your progress can be tracked through the app and graphed over time (You all track. Right…?)
- You can compare your fitness globally
We will be talking about this in classes quite a bit over the next few weeks. If you have any questions please reach out. Don’t forget we’re here to help.
Also with this change we will now be able to have more offering at the gym to better fit your and our entire communities needs. More details to come regarding that.
Speaking of more offerings…
Last but certainly not least… Tactical strength training is here! Coach Tyler will be leading a new class offering on Saturday mornings called Hard to Kill. The workouts will be grunt style workouts that will test you both mentally and physically helping you to become the best version of yourself. If you like the strongman style workouts that we occasionally offer on Saturdays then these workouts are for you! Classes will be an additional $5 if you would like to attend and will run every Saturday morning at 8am starting on July 6th. Reach out with any questions and we look forward to seeing you there.
- Anniversary party this Friday night. Starting after our evening classes is our one year anniversary party! We will have food and drink available. It will be a social event where we just hang out with all of our awesome members and dance the night away. Feel free to bring a plus one. We can’t wait to celebrate with you all!
- There is an order form on the front desk for our summer gear sale. Please get your orders in soon. Order closes next week Wednesday the 3rd of July.
- There are many new faces in the gym, please make them all feel welcome!
- Class sizes are capped at 12! Make sure to reserve your spot ahead of time.
Upcoming Holiday schedule:
July 2nd – Regular class schedule
July 3rd – 6:15pm class canceled – All other classes unaffected
July 4th – 9am Holiday WOD – Free event for friends and family
July 5th – 6am and 5pm classes – All other classes canceled
July 6th – Return to regular class schedule –
Hard to Kill class added to the schedule –
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Jerks
Tuesday – WOD
Wednesday – Clean
Thursday – Partner WOD
Friday – Deadlift and Anniversary Party!!!!!
Saturday – WOD
Sunday – Open Gym