Lot’s of stuff going on. Please read all the words…
Week 3 of the Strength Cycle! At the end of this week we will be half way through, the volume phase will be complete and next week will start the intensity phase. Weights will start to increase as the volume that we’ve built in starts to be reduced. This week will be mostly recovery (less the middle of the week?) as we prepare our bodies for next week. When you approach the work ahead of you please keep in mind that you are ready for this. You have been training hard and your body is ready for what’s being asked of it. Trust the process and smash these weights!
As always, don’t forget to sign up for Lift the Weight off Kids. There is information on the front desk at the box. CFD will be a host site and we would like to see as many of our members participate in this great event as possible. Let’s help support Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Washington County. Reach out with any questions. You can use this link to register under Team CrossFit Develop.
Here are the announcements for this week:
*** PT – Jessie will have morning appointments available for PT this week Wednesday April 17th (5:00am, 5:30am, 6:00am and 6:30am) She will then be off for the next two weeks. Book your appointments now if you want to get it in!
*** Yoga – Felicita will be here at 10am on the 28th for yoga. Plan to come in to work out the aches and pains of this strength cycle.
*** Master WOD – On the 27th CFD will be hosting the Milwaukee Area Masters! This is a special group of master athletes that like to get together and throw down for some CF fitness and fun. If you are a member of CFD and are over 35 years old, you are welcome to come in starting at 10:30am to join us. We will be doing a workout then having a cookout afterwards. Please plan to bring a dish to pass.
*** CrossFit Kids – We will be splitting up the CrossFit Kids into 2 groups, a CrossFit Kids and a CrossFit Teens. There is no set age division between the two, rather we are splitting the groups based on our assessment of athletic ability. Effective April 22, CrossFit Kids will be on Tuesdays at 6:15pm and this class will be capped at 10 kids, CrossFit Teens will be on Thursdays at 6:15pm and this class will be capped at 10 kids.
*** Easter – On Saturday April 20th we will have a friends and family free class for our Easter WOD. We’ll follow this up with a social afterwards. CFD will be supplying drinks and light appetizers. There will be a signup at the Box. Please plan to bring a small dish to pass. Holidays are a great time to get together with friends and families and reflect on the true reason for the season. Hope to see you all there!
*** 9am Classes – Effective Monday April 29th CFD will no longer offer a 9am class. This is due to low attendance and staffing. We hope to add this class back into the schedule at a later date. If there are questions or concerns please reach out.
*** This week’s schedule is as follows:
Thursday 4/18 – Regular class schedule
Friday 4/19 – 5am and 5pm classes only
Saturday 4/20 – 9am WOD, friends and family are free and there will be a social afterwards. Let’s pack the house!
Sunday 4/21 – Gym Closed
Monday 4/22 – Return to regular class schedule
Please plan accordingly.
*** Check-in challenge is in effect for the remainder of this month. Every time you are at the Box check-in on Facebook and show it to a coach for one entry into the drawing for a $50 gift card. The more you check-in the greater your odds of winning! Full rules are on the front desk at the Box. Hint: There are other ways to get more entries too!
Last week for the volume phase. Let’s go CFD!!!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – FSQT
Tuesday – Bench Press
Wednesday – BSQT
Thursday – Strict Press
Friday – Deadlift
Saturday – WOD
Sunday – Gym Closed, Happy Easter!